Spiritual Life Map

Spiritual life maps in clinical therapy

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Spirituality denotes the continuous lifetime relationship between God and human beings which increases personal inner reason, mission and purpose for living. Clinical therapy can be integrated with spirituality in order to enhance faster and positively oriented healing, may it be physical or emotional. It involves the diagrammatic presentation of the spiritual journey of the client, from the time of birth, present time and in the future (Hodge D R 2005).

During the therapy, the clients are given highest priority as they are considered experts of their own circumstances. The practitioners, therefore, respect divergence of reality and belief construction by different clients. It can include allowing the clients to use their own spiritual cosmology, not necessarily the one used by the practitioner Clients always include aspects of spirituality during their discussion with the practitioner (Hodge D R 2005).

The practitioner assesses the spiritual state of the client and then introduces the aspect of life map to ensure that he understands their significance during therapy. Embedded questions are effective in the exploration of detailed information about the spiritual journey of the clients. The clients respond by stressing the spiritual strength that helps them in coping with their situations (Hodge D R 2005). Spiritual life maps have many therapeutic beneficial outcomes that are similar to psychotherapy. It enhances self image and self worth to enable the client understand that he has a key role to play in their personal growth (Hodge D R 2005).

The clients are exposed to more successful choices in the future, as they unstuck from bad history that restrict them. In conclusion, spiritual life maps are important tools in a therapeutic dialogue (Hodge D R 2005).


Significance spiritual and religious involvement in any medical, physical or emotional stress cannot be ignored in the clinical setting. This article has depicted the importance. Most clients attribute all their fortunes or misfortunes to a supernatural power of a supreme being. Everything happens for a reason, and the Supreme Being has positive plans for every one of his own. The plans are not controlled by the bad history and they need continuous devotion for positive outcomes to occur. Clients understand these as strong spiritual points. The use of the case study in the article shows how individuals have the personal attribution of their circumstances with their spiritual connection.

The clients have different symbols and spiritual cosmologies from the divergent religious orientation all over the world. The article is of major interest in our clinical work in that medical therapy is not always enough for complete healing of the client. Words of encouragement and hope should be given to the patient for emotional healing too in incorporation with psychotherapy. Spiritual life map application has demonstrated to be effective in the healing process. However, the challenge is that as a practitioner, I am oriented to one religious organization with different philosophies and teaching among many other religions. Which option would a practitioner have when clients from other religions needs my help? More studies are important to know the basic knowledge of others. All clients from the different religious backgrounds deserve incorporation of spiritual life maps in therapy.

The health institutions have a responsibility of ensuring all the spiritual organizations are fully represented in their institutions to cater for all the clients. It can be achieved by having staff from divergent spiritual basis.


Simulations of the spiritual life maps to the clients is in itself a form of therapy that is applicable in the clinical setting. In case the practitioner is unable to meet the spiritual needs of the client, it is advisable to include the spiritual leader in the institution in offering therapy.

In my current practicum as a clinician, I have been attending clients from different religious settings that include Christianity, Islam and Hindu. All of them attribute the course and the fate of their illness to a supernatural control, despite intensive medical therapy. It provides an insight of reinforcing their belief. Hopes of positive future consequences are evident in all religions. In the last fifteen years of service, I have been working with the clients and applying the spiritual life map in their treatment. Provision of spiritual books and symbols like the Bible, Quran, Holy Rosary and Sacred beads has helped in providing the spiritual nourishment to the clients.

Through the use of the pictorial presentation of the spiritual life maps, I am able to get the history of the client into details. From the history, we are able to pick the points of spiritual strength that will foster a positive future for the client. The weak points are ignored and described as a stepping stone for success. The clients set targets of tackling their problems successfully since the beginning of therapy. The client develops a sense of self-esteem by remembering the past meaningful event in their life despite the current tribulation. It is evident that if clients can focus on the spiritual nature of life, they have more perception of the meaning and purpose of living.


Hodge, D. R. (2005). Spiritual life maps: Client-centered pictorial instrument for spiritual assessment and intervention. Social Work, 50(1), 77–87.