AE4 Source evaluation template

AE4 Source evaluation template


1. Click the link to download the AE4 source evaluation template.

2. Upload the document to the OneDrive folder you have shared with your teacher.

3. Rename the file: name.studentnumber.source_evaluation e.g. jimmy.wong.3143223.source_evaluation

4. Complete the first source evaluation for your extended essay by week 3.

5. Complete the second source evaluation for your group presentation by week 6.

6. Make notes next to each of the CRAP criteria headings in the table. Use the questions to help you.

7. Write your evaluative summary paragraph at the end of your notes in the space provided. You should write 180-200 words.

8. Save and upload to Canvas by the due date.

9.Share a copy of your source text with your teacher, by uploading a copy of the text to the shared OneDrive folder. Name your source text file with your name and student number in the file name, e.g. Jimmy.Wong.3143233.source_text.docx

Source evaluation: Extended essay (Week 3)

Topic /question Assess the importance of GDP in measuring a selected country’s economic wellbeing

Reference details

(author, date, title etc.) Trewin, D. (2001). Measuring wellbeing. Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Type of source journal article news article

report other ___________________________

C.R.A.P. criteria Your response (in note form)


Why the date of publication of the source is appropriate. 2001. While the article is almost two decades old, it still retains relevance as it discusses the issue of determining the wellbeing gof Australia.


How this source is relevant to your assessment task. Looks at the measures of wellbeing relevant to Australia

Attempts to introduce measures outside of financial and economic status

Defines GDP and its application in Australia

Compares wellbeing of the country with New Zealand in terms of GDP

Looks at a suite of indicators and other subject measures of wellbeing


What expertise the author has or uses. Article approved by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Chair, Advisory Board of Australia’s National Development Index


Why the text was written, and who it was written for. Written for the scholarly community as a contribution to literature

Summary of why this source is suitable for your extended essay/presentation:

This article discusses approaches to measuring progress and wellbeing. It also looks at he modalities foe developing measures of wellbeing and focuses its case on Australia. It compares the use of GDP in Australia with the Australian National Development Index. For comparative purposes it briefly looks at how New Zealand measures progress and provides recommendations for the future. This source is important because it focuses on Australia’s perspective of the GDP against other measures.

Source evaluation: Group presentation (Week 6)

Topic /question Assess the importance of GDP in measuring a selected country’s economic wellbeing

Reference details

(author, date, title etc.) Kenny, D. C., Costanza, R., Dowsley, T., Jackson, N., Josol, J., Kubiszewski, I., … & Thompson, J. (2019). Australia’s genuine progress indicator revisited (1962–2013). Ecological Economics, 158, 1-10.

Type of source journal article news article

report other ___________________________

C.R.A.P. criteria Your response (in note form)


Why the date of publication of the source is appropriate. 2019- Up to date and relevant


How this source is relevant to your assessment task. This article not only discusses the importance of GDP as an indicator of progress and wellbeing in Australia but also looks at alternatives including the inclusion of ecological factors and other relevant concepts.


What expertise the author has or uses. Published under Australian National University

Endorsed by the journal of Ecological Economics


Why the text was written, and who it was written for. Written for the Australian scholarly audience

Summary of why this source is suitable for your extended essay/presentation:

The authors look at how Australia has continued to measure progress and wellbeing from the mid-20th century up to 2013. It then proceeds to attempt to provide a genuine progress indicator by combining other measures to supplement the use of GDP. It mentions the long term use of Measures of Australia’s Progress (MAP) in Australia including a collection of alternative indicators. It then discusses the GDP and its pros and cons in measuring public welfare.