Aftermath-World Without Oil


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Aftermath-World Without Oil

The World Without Oil Documentary centers on what the world would look like if we ran out of oil. Oil is one of the most important products of the 21st century. Oil is in everything, from the food we eat to our clothes and all other products we use in our day-to-day lives. The majority of the oil that we use today is extracted from the earth’s surface; it is years and years of remains from accumulated plants and animals following heating. One of the main take-ups away from this documentary is the fact that insecurity is bound to be on the rise in the event of an oil crisis. This is because police officers will not be in a position to respond to distress calls because of a lack of fuel. This can push people to be unruly and cause disturbances. Another takeaway is that famine directly results from a world that does not have oil. The film narrates food centers being closed down due to food scarcity. If there is no oil, it means food cannot be distributed. People will have to queue for long hours to access the little that exists.

Another takeaway from this documentary is that there is a need to consider other alternative energy sources in advance. It is high time people move from petroleum-powered cars to electric cars because they are the future of transport. Electric vehicles do not run on oil. Countries with electric vehicles are more likely to feel the impact of a global oil crisis. I have also learned that a clever way to regulate oil use in times of a crisis is to only use oil on essential services such as food transport, coal transport, fire services, and ambulances. This way, the oil in reservoirs will last for longer. Finally, another takeaway is that when the world runs short of oil, every aspect of people’s lives will get affected. They will not be able to move around as they used to, and there will be a food shortage. People are even likely to suffer more during winter when it is cold without heaters.