An old African proverb says, “Return to old watering holes for more than water- friends and dreams are there to meet you” In your opinion, what is the meaning of this quote?
In my opinion, the proverb is about friendship and dreams. There are some things that are more important in life that a person has to commit him or herself to in order to succeed, such as family. Friends are meant to meet someone who is already in existence, a similar case to dreams. A person must be nourished enough for them to dream and have friends and thus for a person to get better dreams and good friends, they must be healthy. The concept of returning to the old watering holes for more than water can be said to be metaphorical, a representation of the uses of water. Water is life as every person, animal and plants rely on water not only for growth but also for nourishment from the water-soluble nutrients. Therefore, people are asked to find the essential things in life, just like water, as friends and dreams will still meet you where you are. For example, they should go back to their family not only because they belong there but also for parental love, and friends will meet them there.