Assignment Where was that made

Assignment: Where was that made?

Due Date: July 17, 2022 (11:59PM)

Points: 50 (15% of course grade)



The goal of this assignment is to practice making connections between international trade and everyday products you use in daily life. This assignment serves as an assessment of your Global Awareness; our Global Learning Course Outcome for Global Awareness states that students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the significance of international trade in economies of the United States and other nations.


This assignment will focus on skills necessary for gathering, analyzing, and applying information.

Gather and record information based on observations.

Synthesize information from the course with your observations to develop informed views.

Create a well-organized, clear, researched response to expand your knowledge of the course topic.


This exercise should expand your knowledge of the size and scope of the international trade regime. Companies, even those based in the U.S., source their products from countries all around the world. As we have discussed in class, there are many reasons why companies may choose to source products or ingredients from other places including preferential trade agreements, lower costs, and global corporate relationships.


Fill in the chart provided on page 3 to determine the country of origin of the products you purchase. If there is a category that does not apply to you or your family (such as auto or toys), then you may substitute some other category that does reflect your actual purchasing habits/products you buy. The 5 rows marked “other” are required. Other may include cosmetics, toiletries, car care items, or any other item you choose.

Answer the following questions:

What does the chart tell you about the things you buy? How is your household budget affected by the presence of imported goods?

How would you feel if efforts to restrict trade resulted in either an increase in the price of the goods you purchase or their disappearance from the market? That is, do you feel that trade benefits you so much that trade restrictions would be intolerable? On the other hand, are there reasons for restricting trade beyond price/availability that you would be ok with?

Are any of your products on the Bureau of International Labor Affairs list of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor (see link in resource list)? Have you ever thought about checking that information before this assignment?

How is international trade tied to the issue of immigration?

Criteria for Success:

All sections of the chart are complete with written responses to the items 2a-d.

Answer the 4 questions by critically applying ideas we have learned about in the international trade modules. Your answer should be in paragraph/essay form.

Minimum of 700 words, citing all sources used. APA format is preferred. A minimum of 3 sources from within the course are required; however, credible sources outside the course will also be accepted.

Consider checking if you have any questions regarding grammar/spelling/or language conventions.

Turn in assignment in Canvas as text or Word document upload.


Criteria High Medium Low

Content Knowledge/ Critical Thinking

Student applied concepts from class discussions and materials. 20 to > 15 pts

Assignment is appropriate length to develop a specific idea. Contribution is thoughtful, analytical, and original.

14 to >10 pts

Assignment is appropriate length, but analysis is not fully developed or clearly presented. 9 to >0 pts

Assignment does not develop an idea. Lacks insight or depth, does not express opinion clearly, and/or shows little understanding.


Completes entire table and all questions. 20 to > 15 pts

Completes entire table and all questions.

14 to > 10 pts

Completes most of the table and some questions. 9 to > 0 pts

Does not complete table or questions.

Grammar/Spelling/Language Conventions  10 to > 8 pts

Free of grammatical/ spelling or language convention errors. Proper length. 7 to > 5 pts

Some grammatical/ spelling or language convention errors.

4 to >0 pts

Poor spelling and many grammatical or language convention errors. Too short.


Module Resources

U.S. Department of Labor: and Border Protection: International: Trade Compliance: Going to the Source,

Assignment Template


Type of Product Product Country of Origin

Food Food Food Food Food Auto Auto House wares House wares Electronics Electronics Clothing Clothing Toys Toys Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Answer Questions Here: