Concordia University Chicago

Concordia University Chicago

UG Programs


Tedrian Thompson

305 Stallings Dr.

McDonough, Ga 30252

Day Telephone: 678-891-7025 EST

Evening Telephone: 678-891-7025 EST

Assignment Title: Module 2 Assignment

Date of Submission: 11/02/2022

Assignment Due Date: 11/06/2022

Course: KIN Evidence Based Practice

Section Number: 1010

Semester/Term: Course Instructor: Dr. Theresa

Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I also have cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for the purpose of this assignment, as directed.

Student’s Signature:Tedrian Thompson

[Digital signature]

Article Summary

Tedrian Thompson

Dr. Theresa


Article Summary

According to Siebert et al. (2022), indicates that stretching is the post-exercise or pre-exercise activity aimed at inducing acute elongation of connective tissue and muscle, which results in improved performance or range of joint motion and reduces injury risk and post-exercise muscle soreness. Dynamic Sstretching (DS) and Sstatic Sstretching (SS) are the two major types of applicable stretching techniques. According to the authors, since the two stretching techniques significantly increase ROM, they are often applied before an athletic task (Siebert et al., 2022). However, the article points out that prolonged static stretching with no dynamic warm-up before exercise usually deteriorates athletic performance through force reductions. Therefore, due to the negative impacts of dynamic and static stretching on athlete exercise performance, this study was aimed at to identifyidentifying alternative approaches that can increase ROM without interfering with athlete performance.

Siebert et al. (2022) was the first study to investigate the impacts of fFoam Rrolling (FR) and other stretching methods, such as DS and SS, on ROM in lateral subject positioning under determined hip joint torques. This study chose the range of motion as the key dependent variable and primary endpoint key. Besides, since the authors intended to determine the impact of the force of the active muscle on hip joint torque, they used surface EMG as the secondary control variable. The authors randomly assessed hip flexion ROM in 14 young male adults at different joint torques after and before FR, DS, and SS. The ROM for hip flexion was determined in the sagittal plane, with the study participants lying in a lateral position. Due to the predominantly longitudinal action of stretch pressures on muscle tissue and tendon during SS and DS, FR primarily causes transversal forces within the muscle tissue. Thus, according to Siebert et al. (2022)the authors, increased ROM following FR is more likely to be as a the result of a change in pain threshold. Besides, foam rolling was identified as a stretching technique that may better muscular function, ROM, and physical performance and initiate muscle relaxation. Therefore, thishese study findings can help coaches and practitioners comprehend the distinct loading situations during SS, DS, and FR.

SummaryWhen writing the scientific summary of the article, I observed major scientific writing principles that I was most guilty with. These principles include objectivity, precision, efficiency, and clarity. First, I used the right and correct citation style for any paraphrased or direct quote from the article to avoid plagiarism. Through the objectivity principle, I use the right tense, mostly active voice, not passive voice, to ensure the flow of ideas through simple sentences to achieve clarity. Lastly, when writing the scientific article summary, I was guilty of the efficiency principle and ensured that I provided detailed explanations for the reader to understand it easily.However, to improve my scientific writing skill set, I would first read the module and then organize my thoughts, ideas, and actions logically so the reader can easily understand and interpret. I would also learn to write concisely to avoid getting off-topic, avoid filler words, use appropriate words to broaden vocabulary, and provide clear descriptions of the subject matter.References

Siebert, T., Donath, L., Borsdorf, M., & Stutzig, N. (2022). Effect of static stretching, dynamic stretching, and myofascial foam rolling on a range of motion during hip flexion: A randomized crossover trial. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 36(3), 680-685.