Define cultural products, and give three examples of them

Define cultural products, and give three examples of them.

Cultural products are goods or service that comprises the art as performing, architecture and visual arts. Most of these products are found in museums, libraries, achieves or galleries. With time, the world has developed to its fullest a number of cultural industry. Common industries include, film, food, books, media, artier and clothing. Cultural industries have been applied to explain the importance of given culture. For this reason, cultural industries have evolved to ensure there is proper presentation in most collections.

Identify how cultural products are considered in the development of a strategic plan. 

Most businesses desire to affiliate to a given culture. A given culture specifies norms of management and ethics of relationship, which can be applied in the organization. A strategic plan specifies the organizations process decision making and direction. Resource allocation is the key thing. In the process, an organization should have symbols that it refers to, and this can be referred to by the entire organization. Strategic planning accompanies four aspects, these include; broader societal expectations, industrial opportunities, and threats, personal values of the key implementers and company strengths and weaknesses.

A good example is attire and clothing. A company considers the dressing of particular clothing as professional and that is according to culture. A common example is the black suit and white shirt and how it has traditionally been applied as the corporate official dress. The company adopts this clothing and rebrands it with the company to depict the company goals and objectives. A desirable company is the McDonald, which has adopted the Italian cuisine clothing as a cultural product in its quest to market cuisine. The company has modified cuisine traditional gloves to meet contemporary requirements of decency, hygiene and company McDonald colors of red and yellow. Hence, in summary there is a derivative need to affiliate to recognize the influence of cultural products in developing the company’s strategic plan.