Countries Should Focus on Girl Education Despite Cultural Barriers That Limit Girls

Countries Should Focus on Girl Education Despite Cultural Barriers That Limit Girls Access to Education

Shaji Mitchell

Countries Should Focus on Girl let’s use Female when you couple it with the word education Education Despite Cultural Barriers That Limit Girls Access to Education

Girl education is one of the achievements recognized by some countries after international awareness on girl education and the development of laws that support equality. This is a bit vague. Why not start off with the percenrage of girls in the world who aten’t afforded an education now because of cultural reasons? I just googled and found 130 million though that sounds low to me. However, some communities are still bound by the traditional cultures and norms, which restrict the access to education by girls or limit them to a certain level, compared to boys. Countries such as; Afghanistan and Yemen believe in cultural norms including child marriage, not sending girls to co-ed schools, restricting girls from being taught by male instructors, preventing education of sexually abused girls, and strictly abiding by? (you have to have an -ing word to make it parallel to “sending,” “restricting,” and “preventing.) gender stereotypes. The countries are based on the Muslim religion, which supports Pardah, a social practice of female seclusion and segregation of the sexes. Later you’re also going to refer to African communities; introduce them here, too. The rigid cultural norms have led to disfavouring of girls and having a male superiority complex hence few girls from the community have gotten the chance to be learned. However, with the development of initiatives and institutions that support girl education, countries can focus on girl education despite the existing cultural barriers (Ali & Khawaja, 2017). Governments can change individuals’ perceptions by developing equality policies that reinforce girls’ education and support associations with the same objective through financial and change-making support. Good intro.

Most of the countries experiencing challenges in girl education due to traditional and religious cultures are based on the Islamic religion or follow the traditional African cultures. The traditional Islamic setups base their teachings on the Quran, which does not restrict girl education but is misinterpreted by some communities. Give us the quotes they use/misinterpret and show how other Muslims are able to interpret differently. Some countries believe in Pardah, a social practice of female seclusion and segregation of females. You’re repeating yourself a bit from above. Only do that if you’re immediately (n the same sentence) elaborating and developing it. It was aimed at ensuring the veiling of women and preventing them from being seen by the public. However, it was interpreted as full segregation of women in public places hence only allowed women? to perform house chores and take care of their children. Schooling involved meeting many different people hence the communities interpreted it as a form of Purdah. The practice of Purdah reduces women’s mobility and participation in life activities, including working (Sultana et al., 2009). Therefore, education, employment, and access to information were restricted, which increased dependence and lack of empowerment, thus preventing self-reliance. Prove to us now that some of these women are willing to go against their culture and want to receive an education. Give us some examples, give us some data if possible. You could, for instance, show what happened to women during the US campaign in Afghanistan as opposed to before and now that the Taliban is in charge again now.

In the African communities’ cultural traditions and practices are highly valued hence followed to the latter letter?. People believe that women should be seen, not heard hence given a place in the kitchen. The male child is highly valued, and families strive to get male children in order to be considered superior and gain social status. On the other hand, girl children are discriminated against, making it difficult to exercise their rights what rights? specify. They suffer degradation, poverty and lack the freedom to voice their opinions since they are considered submissive to their male counterparts. The communities value early marriages, allowing their daughters to get married at an early age. In research to identify the cultural practices and norms preventing girl education, Kainuwa & Yusuf (2013) identify that some parents find it unworthwhile for their daughters to get an education since they are bound to move to their husbands’ families when they marry. Therefore, they find the gains of the productivity or income will benefit the families of the son-in-law instead of them. Interesting.

According to UNICEF, more than 10 million girls marry before the age of 18 annually, which is when females should be studying (UNICEF, 2012). However, the community values marriages more than girls’ education, thus failing to provide willing individuals’ why is this possessive? opportunities. For example, South Asia has contended with girl child marriage even though the law is against it. Parents fail to consider education for their girls and marry them off is this predominately the case in Muslim South Asian families or does it cut across through other demographics as well? If so, can you suggest why? (Gupta, 2019). Education is regarded as one of the most important factors that can help reduce girl child marriages in the regions (Raj et al., 2014). However, the religious and traditional cultures fail to acknowledge it. According to Ahamad & Narayana (2015), Indian culture and traditions are hostile to women as it reduces them to kitchen manageresses and producing babies. Investing in their education and schooling fails to bear full benefits since it is social in nature what is the “it” here? rather than economic. Women’s roles are placed in the household; therefore, parents feel that even if the females are educated, they will not apply them to get income but would rather be wasted a bit unclear; are you saying that “the educated women will end up married and not working anyway?” in social roles.

Due to the cultural norms and traditions, various programs and institutions have developed to promote girl education in different communities. In a strive an attempt to achieve the millennial development goals, gender equality is one of the factors considered hence promoting girl and boy education. The universal declaration of human rights also advocates for equality of other genders hence don’t overuse this word promoting girl education. According to Porter (2016), education should involve teaching and be linked to the dominant cultural values to ensure the communities understand the impact. Education helps solve local problems; hence, the community should consider girl education to solve problems affecting them. Give sone concrete, specific examples of exactly how this can work and even more significantly how it can break the barriers for girls in getting educated. Organizations such as capitalize? empower women have arisen to support knowledge, expertise, common sense, and values. Also, UNICEF is working to reach the rural communities to encourage the education of girls and the taking of courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. How do they encourage this while at the same time keeping the focus on the community values and needs? I need more details about this. The degrading f women have made it difficult for them to believe in their abilities hence fail to take complex subjects. Therefore, the organizations have been established to change the communities’ perception and achieve educational goals for both sexes. give us some concrete proof that this happens. Quotes/data/anecdotes…any or all of these are necessary to make an effective argument.

Investing in girl education is essential to the community in both economic and social setups. According to Ember, 2020, use double quotation marks for the single one for quotes within quotes. ‘Educating girls is pivotal to the development of society since women with control over resources spend more on basic living needs which protect their families. Investing n women’s education has benefits such as reducing female fertility rates, lowering maternal mortality rates, lower infant and child mortality rates, and fostering educational investment in children. Women tend to think more about their families hence use the resources they have to better their lives and those of their children. These are good points, but they’re conclusions. Give us some of the evidence from which Ember draws these conclusions. Ember states that girls’ education is a powerful tool that can be used to change the perception and beliefs in communities, which is supported by their ability to communicate well. Once again, give us some evidence to support this assertion. To add on, girl education has economic benefits through an increase in workforce hence increasing productivity thus increasing income in families. Give us data to support this statement.

Utilization of resources by achieving quality education for girls saves funds and leads to infrastructure and facilities development. Learned and well-informed girls can make better life decisions hence would not follow the early marriage cultures that prevent their progress (Jain & Singh, (2017). In situations of cost barriers, the communities encourage education through an empowerment approach by focusing on dialogues on issues such as marriages, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and health. In a community with learned girls, it is easier to stop the cultural barriers due to the empowerments made by the individuals to the other females in society this is vague and a bit repetitive. Girl education also improves their dignity and makes them aware of their rights. According to the United Nations, “education is not only a right but a passport to human development” (Winthrop & McGivney, 2015). Absolutely, but give us some of their proof that it does.  It improves their health, social and economic outcomes for themselves and their children. The benefit to the community is more hence leading to the development of both the individual and the society.

The organizations that have developed to promote girl education have created policies and empowered women to be better irrespective of societies’ cultural practices and norms. With the rise in globalization and technological advancements, the communities are embracing the new strategies that encourage districts to invest in girls’ education.pretty vague; give us some deails. UNICEF is international and above the specific traditional and religious cultures (UNICEF, 2020). Therefore, its involvement in the awareness of girl education is taken positively by most countries. According to Winthrop & McGivney (2015), education has been a priority in the international development communities and recording positive progress. More girls are being enrolled in primary schools, can you give us numbers? Show us precisely where the greatest growth is seen, etc? and parents are starting to appreciate their female children through the provision of education. The number of girls enrolment in low-income countries increased by two and a half times in 2012 compared to previous years. This is good, but see if you can find more current information. Therefore, countries should focus more on supporting girls’ education irrespective of the cultural practices since they have the ability to convince the communities to embrace girl education. You don’t need to keep repeating this. Just keep piling on specific evidence that proves it instead.

Implementing policies that promote equality between female and male individuals would help support girl education in rural regions that follow the cultures and traditions that demean women. The various organizations’ regulations and strategies be specific about some of them. in rural and urban regions would help to encourage parents and leaders to embrace the new systems that support girl education. The success of organizations such as UNICEF and local firms proves that countries have the ability to support girls’ education irrespective of the existing traditions and cultures. Communities also need to educate the traditional believers embracing the cultures that suppress women to adopt the new changes and educate their female children. A lot of this is so repetitive. Just repeating it doesn’t make it effective. Supporting it with details in an organized fashion that leads to the most striking and impactful evidence is the most effective way to write arguments.

The focus on girl education should be promoted despite the cultural barriers existing n the communities. The Islamic and African cultures preventing girl education should be abolished by developing organizations how could they do this without meeting violent resistance? that encourage and empower the community to support girl education. The existing policies have proven to influence the community; hence the implementation of such positively would promote girl education. The guidelines should focus more on the Islamic and African communities by providing personalized empowerment by reaching the most rural regions of the countries. Girl education is vital to the communities as it encourages development and increases production and income. The government should focus on girls’ education despite the cultural barriers to improve society.

The argument is good but very repetitive and not nearly as concrete and specific as it needs to be, Shaji. You have all the basics in here but you need to add specifics and maybe reorganize a bit by building up the reasons/evidence for female education from the value to the girl herself to the real world economic and community benefits educating the girl that may actually influence those resistant to female education.


Ahamad, T., & Narayana, A. (2015). Girl education: A lifeline to rural transformation in India. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(6), 84-87.

Ali, S., & Khawaja, M. Z. (2017). Barriers to Girl Education in Walled City, Lahore. INCLUSIVENESS BECAUSE WE CAN, 118.

Ember, H. (2020). Benefits of Investing in Girl Education.Is this the whole citation? You have it punctuated like an article, but you don’t have a journal accompanhyng…

Gupta, A. K. (2019). Significance of girl education: Parents’ perception from rural madhesh of Nepal. Journal of Management and Development Studies, 29, 61-68.

Jain, S., & Singh, S. (2017). Prerna: engendering empowerment through girl education. International Journal of Educational Management.

Kainuwa, A., & Yusuf, N. B. M. (2013). Cultural traditions and practices of the parents as barriers to girl-child education in Zamfara State Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(11), 1-8.

Porter, S. (2016). Girls’ education, development, and social change. Policy Futures In Education, 14(5), 517-538., A., McDougal, L., Silverman, J. G., & Rusch, M. L. (2014). Cross-sectional time series analysis of associations between education and girl child marriage in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan, 1991-2011. PloS one, 9(9), e106210.

Sultana, A. M., Jawan, J. A., & Hashim, I. (2009). Influence of Purdah (Veil) on education and employment of women in rural communities. European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(2), 267-280.

UNICEF. (2020). Towards an equal future: Reimagining girls’ education through STEM.

Winthrop, R., & McGivney, E. (2015). Raising the global ambition for girls’ education (pp. 287-296). Routledge.