Describe the ways of curbing both local and international terrorism

Describe the ways of curbing both local and international terrorism



Terrorism has been a growing threat to the entire nations of the world. It ranges from kidnappings, abductions, trans-border banditry, and bombing Caruso, (2014). Terrorism is a tactic and a strategy, a crime, a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. However there is no common definition of terrorism its definitions differ. Therefore many organizations and governments have come up with varying definitions of terror. The United Nations (UN), 1992 defines terrorism as an anxiety inspiring method of repeated violent action employed by semi clandestine individual group or state actors for idiosyncratic criminal or political reasons whereby in contrast to assassination the direct targets of the violence are not the main targets. The United States department of defense on the other hand defines terrorism as the calculated use of unlawful violence to inculcate fear intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious or ideological. Whichever definition one chooses it is clear that terrorism is a criminal act which aims to draw attention to its cause. Various ways of curbing terror have emerged both locally and internationally which collectively can be defined as counterterrorism tactics that range from eliminating terrorist sanctuary, curbing terrorist activity, undermining radicalism, discouraging terrorist funding and recruitment of future generations of terror, promoting good governance, promoting democracy, economic opportunity and social justice.

While local terrorism could be fuelled by local factors in any state such as bad governance, poverty, unemployment, injustice, corruption and lack of education, international tourism is more deep and complex. We can say it is fuelled by radical ideology of hatred oppression and murder. It is believed that international terrorism began around the year 1968 when the popular front for the liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked a commercial plane on its way from Rome to Tel-Aviv. However international terrorism became a serious problem in 1968 after the loss of 1967 six-day war and subsequent Israeli occupation of the Golan Height, West Bank, and the Sinai Peninsula which was a devastating defeat of the Palestinian and Arab countries bordering Israel. This in turn led to groups such as PFLP to begin operating internationally to promote their cause because there were no chances that it could defeat Israel on battlefield Rinehart J, (2010). Secondly Latin American guerilla fighters frustrated by failure on the battlefield on the countryside began an urban terrorism campaign which involved kidnapping and of foreign diplomats. But terrorism has advanced and in modern times terrorism is made up more complex networks of hierarchical terrorist organizations local and international terror networks cells, and indoctirined radical activists. This has led to the emergence of two schools of thoughts to explain modern terrorism. This are: psychological-sociological school of thought and political- rational school of thought. The psychological-sociological school of thought stresses the phenomenon psychological component maintaining the immediate and central goal of terrorism is to instill fear and anxiety (Dr. Jerrold post, 1998). Political –rational school of thought on the other hand views terrorism as a rational method of operation intended to promote various interests and attain concrete political goals (Hoffman, 1998 & shprilak, 1998). Various counter terrorism techniques have emerged ever since.

Foremost is by poverty alienation. Poverty has been as a contributing factor to local terrorism. Most groups that feel to be marginalized especially the youth join terror groups. The leaders of this terror groups guarantee these youth a better life and therefore most of the youths end up joining these terror groups. Unemployment is the second contributing factor. Most of the populace of the world is currently unemployed majority being the youth. They end up joining terror organizations and their affiliates upon promises of better jobs and good salaries. Lack of education is an additional factor. Most percentage of local population in the rural areas in most poor countries lacks access to basic education. This has led to unfit elements in society who preach ideologies that promote terror. Injustice and corruption has also fuelled terror activities in many countries an example is the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Many people feel unrepresented and uncared for leading them to engage in terror. Poor employment of law and order by institutions such the police also fuels terror activities. This can be solved by strengthening policing from the grassroots levels and enacting tough laws which include speedy trial of cases. This would prevent and control terror attacks on a local level.

In addition other long term solution of winning the war against terror is advancing of human democracy by promoting freedom and human dignity through democracies in all parts of the world. The White House, (2006) elections are the most visible sign of a free society and can play a critical role in advancing effective democracy. On the other hand elections alone are not enough. A proper democracy should honor and uphold the basic human rights which include freedom of religion, conscience, speech, assembly association and liberty of press (White House, 2006). An effective democracy should be able to promote sovereignty maintain law and order, resolve conflicts, protect judicial systems, embrace the rule of law and resist vices such as corruption. This will play a great role in reducing terror since most activities that encourage growth of terror will be addressed. Moreover eliminating terrorist sanctuary, curbing terrorist activity and discouraging terrorist funding is another way to curb terror. This can be achieved by blocking funding of terror groups, cutting communication, targeting and killing terror group leaders and neutralizing terror activities.


In conclusion, many activities have been done to curb terror both locally and internationally. This has helped in reducing terror and its activities hence promoting peaceful and harmonious coexistence.


Maxwell, T., & John, H. (2001). The future of terrorism. Psychology press

Ramraj , V. (2012) . Global anti-terrorism law and policy. Cambridge university press

Caruso, R. (2014) .Understanding terrorism : a social-economic perspective. Emerald group (5-7)