Deviant American Behaviors

Deviant American Behaviors

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Deviant American Behaviors

Out of the ordinary behaviors that contrast norms in the American society have become too common(Benson 15). Explanation as to the steady advancing of the social diseases derive basis from a number of theories both sociological and psychological(Akers 45). During the show on social mannerisms different responses were gathered from guests regarding the cause and spread of public homosexuality, a factor that had for a very long time been kept private.The first guest for the show was an American sociologist who has made numerous contributions to various aspects of sociology, Howard S. Becker. Music, Art and Deviance are some of the aspects in which his contributions have been primary. Several articles on sociology have been produced by the famous sociologist. The other guest, Robert Merton, was a university professor and Nobel laureate having made significant social contributions to understanding development of human character to achieve success or develop deviance. Different from the Nobel prize, other honors like medals and honorary degrees from several institutions have been accredited to Robert(Calhoun 24).In his response to the posed question as to causes of homosexuality, Mr. Becker pointed out several factors, making in his explanations the clarity and coherence of the theoretical explanations quite denim. Homosexuals are oft young nonectomorphic and mesophormic males with quite low test scores as was Mr. Becker’s agreement in the definition of the group of homosexuals. The deviance of homosexuality is a creation of the society by seclusion of a group and consequently labeling them outsiders(Becker 2). Clarification to penitentiary centers as the major cause of the deviance was given by a gentleman in his quest to dump to dump the causes as biological. Resentment, judgment and detention act on the subject in subsequent manners to deviously alter his mannerisms to deviance, a procedure so much analogous to how social creatures learn the requirements for a job. Homosexuality scares the individual as they develop a perceptive that they may just go higher. They are hence driven by the fear and want to act to convince themselves as well as portray to the world that such behavior is normal and should not be consent to loathing and dissent(Becker 65). The public meetings and protests for rights that are extremities of deviance from this social group are just reactionary and depict desperation(Rainwater 87).Social deviance theories are brought to the subject by Mr. Becker to reinforce that argument. What really creates resentment for the social group is, therefore, the labeling that has been stuck out t them by the society. The labeling theory as Mr. Becker points out, is not just detrimental to the homosexuals, but turns victims both the society and homosexuals alike.Clarification to the cause of deviance by Robert pointed heavily to his strain theory that identifies deviance-pressure-pumps as societal structures(Calhoun 19). Rebellion was identified by Robert as the kind of deviance that is developed by individuals subjected to societal strain. Tired of being treated as outcasts and not normal, homosexuals take their practice to publicity, as a way of rebelling against their mental tormentors. The point is made by Robert that homosexuals reject social norms and become deviant to them. A factor that can also be expressed like acceptance of homosexuality as a social norm by homosexuals, and creation of deviant means to meet them(Rainwater 43). This kind of deviance is a psychological development based on the social dispositions experienced by an individual(Kaplan and Johnson 29).Both guests consent to one factor regarding the growth of deviance as a psychological response to social dispositions. Moreover, social deviance is the result of denial of social freedom and is the counteract mechanism to social deprivation and subjugation(Kaplan and Johnson 32).


Akers, R. L. (1985). Deviant behavior: A social learning approach. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Pub. Co.

Becker, H. S. (1963). Outsiders; studies in the sociology of deviance. London: Free Press of Glencoe.

Benson, F. A. M. (n.d.). Modifying deviant social behaviours in various classroom settings. S.l.: F. Univ Oregon.

Calhoun, C. J. (2010). Robert K. Merton: Sociology of science and sociology as science. New York: Columbia University Press.

Kaplan, H. B., & Johnson, R. J. (2001). Social deviance: Testing a general theory. New York, NY [u.a.: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Rainwater, L. (1974). Deviance and liberty. Chicago: Aldine.