How Global warming and climate change affects us

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How Global warming and climate change affects us


Global warming is the gradual increase of regional and global temperatures because of increased greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These gases fuse with re-reflected solar radiations from the earth’s surface known as albedo and end up, leading to a gradual increase in temperatures. It leads to microclimates and eventually resulting in climate change. Climate change happens when weather patterns are unpredictable; rainfall becomes erratic, and global temperatures become unbearable to all organisms in various ecosystems.

Both natural and anthropogenic reasons can cause global warming. Naturally, global warming is; volcanic eruptions, solar variations, and even ocean currents. With such kinds of causes, humans have very little control over them, and the much we can do is predict and carrying out prompt preparedness to avoid exposure to more harm (Junliang et al., 2016).

Anthropogenic causes are human induced, and they are the most severe and greatest contributers to climate change (Kelvin & Michael, 2020). They include burning carbon-based fuels, deforestation, Increased livestock farming, use of nitrogenous fertilizers, fluorinated gases, and increased industrial emissions.

Global warming and climate change have become global and regional issues because their effects are universal; pollution caused in one region can potentially affect people living very far away from the point of pollution. Pollution can, therefore, sip through the numerous environmental channels and end up affecting even the most innocent people who do not know what is going on. Nations have, therefore, partnered in trying to combat the issue. Some of the conspicuously arisen effects include massive Loss of biological diversity, Loss of aquatic flora and fauna, habitat degradation, unpredictable weather patterns, and increased human diseases and infections. All these effects require our attention, and all people should partner towards combating the issue.

Research hypothesis

Global warming and climate change are the causative agents of most world problems.

Increased industrialization leads to increased environmental degradation.

Climate change has resulted in the extinction of numerous plant and animal species in the world (Daniel et al., 2016).

Risks associated with climate change will be the independent variable, while exposure and vulnerability will be the dependent variables. We are at risk whenever we are exposed to toxins. Our vulnerability in terms of preparedness also matters because our tolerance or intolerance to the effects of climate change will dictate the intensity of harm that is caused.

Unprecedented pollution can, therefore, be mitigated by cutting exposure and vulnerability.1619250276860

Literature review

Various Governmental bodies, international companies, and cities and researchers are coming together to act promptly and try to mitigate the issue of global warming and climate change. Treaties and codes of conduct have been signed, and all states are tirelessly working towards minimizing the pollution rates that lead to undesirable global warming and climate change.

The need for a review of industrial systems that are dependent on a constant supply of resources and high energy consumption has also arisen. Currently, eco-industrial parks are being set, and wastes from one company can be used as a resource in another company (Xing Sheng et., al, 2020). The reliance on non-renewable and carbon-based fuels is also being cut by establishing renewable energy plants that neither deplete nor cause more harm to our highly threatened environment (Jonathan, 2016). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is one of the radical treaties that has 197 member states globally. Its main agenda is to prevent the harmful interferences of the climate system by man. Developed countries are associated with high rates of pollution and thus, it led to the establishment of aspects such as “polluter pays principle.” The principle requires anyone or any industry that causes pollution to pay for the unit’s pollution. The payment is used as compensation to the affected people and environmental rehabilitation (Kelvin & Michael, 2020.

Some actions, such as increased use of non-renewable resources, deforestation, and overexploitation of resources, have watered down the attempt to mitigate the impacts of global warming and climate change. Therefore, it is to stop such actions from working with unison in ensuring that the challenge is completely mitigated.

Research design

This study will use the descriptive research design, which is more in-depth research that answers what and how. This design is suitable for the study because it involves observation, recording, describing, and classifying the phenomenon that we are investigating. With this type of design, information obtained from observations and questionnaires can be analyzed. Thus we can obtain qualitative and quantitative data that can be used in decision-making procedures. Relationships between variables can be denoted easily, and quantification of pollutants is therefore done easily.

The research design will also clarify people’s risk by simply assessing their vulnerability level and exposure to global warming and climate change. The research design will also demarcate the boundaries within which we work, make the study as efficiently as possible, and yield more information with minimal expenditures.

With all objectives at hand, the researcher can parameterize and identify pollutants that need to be controlled. We are also able to come up with appropriate mitigation measures that will not only aid in reducing the impacts but also help in reducing our vulnerability.


The underlying global warming issue and climate change require rapid action from all people to minimize our environment’s harm. We are tasked with doing sustainable development to meet our needs fully without compromising the future generation’s ability to fulfill theirs. We should coexist in a healthy environment since we are the entrusted parties for taking care and safeguarding the environment (Xing Sheng et., al, 2020). By doing this, we are assured of having a very healthy environment, and we will have reduced the effects of climate change tremendously.

Human-induced causes, which are major causes of global warming and climate change, should be cut and minimized. This is, however, not a one-time thing, for we need to review our lifestyles. Tough and strong regulations should be made, and violators should be fined in courts or prosecute. Industrial systems will need review, and we should head to a closed system such that no waste is disposed to the environment. People in communities should also participate in tree planting activities because trees are the “earth’s lungs” because of their ability to absorb toxic gases such as carbon dioxide used during photosynthesis and oxygen emitted as a byproduct of the process.

Human health is at risk because we are experiencing completely outrageous experiences such as an increased number of heatwaves, intense tsunamis and hurricanes, severe droughts, flooding, and even the emergence of very dangerous diseases and infections.


Daniel Benjamin, Han-Hui Por, David Budescu, (2016) Climate Change Versus Global Warming: Who Is Susceptible to the Framing of Climate Change? Retrieved from; P. Schuldt, (2016) “Global Warming” versus “Climate Change” and the Influence of Labeling on Public Perceptions. retrieved from; Fan, Lifeng Wu, Fucang Zhang, Youzhen Xiang & Jing Zheng, (2015) Journal of Hydrology; Climate change effects on reference crop evapotranspiration across different climatic zones of China during 1956–2015. Retrieved from; O. Yoro & Michael O. Daramola, (2020) Advances in Carbon Capture; Methods, Technologies and Applications Chapter 1 – CO2 emission sources, greenhouse gases, and the global warming effect

Xin sheng Liu, Feng Hao, Kent Portney & Ying Liu, (2020) Examining Public Concern about Global Warming and Climate Change in China. Cambridge university press Retrieved from;