High School Vs. College

Ashley Sackos

Compare and/or Contrast Essay

Eng. 101

November 26, 2017

High School Vs. College

Many people don’t realize that there are plenty of differences from your high school life compared to your college life. Some of the differences between high school and college are the expectations, the workload, and the independence. This essay will discuss a few of the biggest differences between the two experiences.

Although they convey some superficial similarities, the differences between being in high school and being in college are evident. In high school the expectations are lower than they are in college. In high school you are expected to show up at the school by a specific time every day. In high school the teachers and administration watch over you. The teachers would also supply you with books and classroom materials. If you missed an assignment then you would typically have the chance to turn it in at a later time for some credit. However, in college they don’t care as much, you have to pick your own classes that are needed for you to graduate, no one watches over you. You also have to buy your own books that are required for the class and lastly, if you miss an assignment, some professors may not let you pass it in at a later time for credit or you won’t be able to do that all the time. Therefore, it is pronounced that being in high school and being in college differ by expectations in many ways.

Despite the fact that high school and college are similar, there are still many differences. The workload in high school isn’t as demanding and challenging. The work you do in high school is mostly one or two short essays, worksheets, answering questions from your textbook, or very minimal reading. In high school you take easier tests that you are constantly reminded about and given study time usually in class. On the other hand, being in college is way much more critical and challenging because the workload is heavier. You write longer papers more consistently, you are required to read a lot more, and lots of study time is needed for more intensive tests. Your professors will expect you to keep up with the syllabus and expect you not to forget dates for assignments and tests. Yet, the differences between high school and college are conspicuous.

Nevertheless, high school differs from college when it comes to independence. There is more more dependence in high school because parent permission is required, classes meet daily, and you have a rigid schedule with constant supervision. However, in college, the college responds to concerns raised by you, you are considered and treated as an adult and there is no parent permission required. Classes only meet anywhere from 1-4 times per week depending on what you choose for how many classes you want to take. Last there is a greater flexibility in scheduling with little to no supervision.

In conclusion, high school and college still have similarities but the differences are clear. In high school theres more dependency but in college you are completely independent, the workload is less than in college, and the expectations differ tremendously between the two.