Point Form Write Up

Point Form Write Up


TOC o “1-3” h z u HYPERLINK l “_Toc380067950” ULIO Interviews PAGEREF _Toc380067950 h 1

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380067951” Industrial Research Chairs (IRC) PAGEREF _Toc380067951 h 2

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380067952” ALACRITY PAGEREF _Toc380067952 h 3

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380067953” BCIC (British Columbia Innovation Council) PAGEREF _Toc380067953 h 5

HYPERLINK l “_Toc380067954” Access BC PAGEREF _Toc380067954 h 6

ULIO InterviewsMy name is Derek Gratz and I am representing University Industry Liaison office (ULIO). The University Industry Liaison Office has the sole mission of inspiring, supporting, and developing entrepreneurship through the campus, joining the different pockets of entrepreneurial action under a single umbrella. The organization is under the ownership of the University Research; the research team comprises of 35 individuals led by Angus Livingstone, who is the managing Director. In addition, the organization has been in existence since 1984. ULIO provides several contractual services, which includes the following: assistance in the establishment of an appropriate agreement; assistance / advice in budget preparation; negotiation / review of agreements with sponsor; putting signs on behalf of UBC and set up of PG and Research project Budget. The organization has two research departments, which are Kelowna and Vancouver. These two departments represent the two campuses of UBC.

ULIO has met two principal successes; one of its chief successes is having flexible approaches of interacting with industries. The second success is building of knowledge mobilization channels. Of vitality to the success of the organization is the industry sponsored research. Also, multi-faceted associations are essential to the achievement of organization’s success. Multi-faceted associations help the organization achieve success through increasing the quality and impact of the organization’s research and scholarship. Also, multi-faceted relationships help the organization become a world leader in exchanging knowledge and mobilizing knowledge. In addition, multi-faceted relationships help the organization achieve success through providing enriched educational experience. In this regard, multi-faceted relationships have been key factors contributing to the success of the organization.

The future of ULIO, in five years time, will concentrate on industry engagement, knowledge mobilization and entrepreneurship. The organization will engage in building above 1000 industry sponsored research associations at UBC every year in order to help improve industry engagement further with academic research. In knowledge mobilization, the organization is going to apply traditional commercialization activities, as an expanded approach of mobilizing knowledge created through research activities. In entrepreneurship, the organization is planning to extend access of expertise and resources to all entrepreneurial students, staff, recent alumni, and faculty. On the other hand, UILO organization is involved in supporting the DigiBC, LifeScience British Columbia, Vancouver Enterprise Forum, Vancouver Greentech Exchange, and VANTEC Vancouver angel technology network.

Industrial Research Chairs (IRC)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada offers three forms of IRC. The IRC are; Senior Industrial research chairs, Associate industrial Research chairs, and Executive industrial Research Chairs. Senior IRC is renewable after every five years and is usually for senior researchers. Associate IRC is for early stage researchers, who demonstrate exceptional promise; this chair is renewable once and appointment is for five years. In addition, the executive IRC is non-renewable, has five years appointment period and is meant for exceptional R & D professionals. Expenses associated with Chair’s program of research are provided for by the IRC grant. The principal expectation of the Chairholders is to conduct research and train highly qualified personnel as they carry a mitigated teaching and administrative load. The funding of IRCs is through a joint fund between the industry and NSERC. Federal or provincial government agencies and departments can also sponsor an IRC; however, only the industrial contributions become considered, when NSERC establishes its funding level.

One of the key objectives of the IRC is to aid universities in developing on existing strengths, so as to attain the critical mass needed for a principal research struggle in science and developing of interest to industry. IRC should also assist in the expansion of research efforts in areas, which have not yet been expanded in Canadian universities, but where there is a vital industrial need. In addition, it also the objective of IRC to provide a suitable training setting for graduate students and, where necessary, postdoctoral individuals through exposing them to challenges of research unique to the industry and the chance for critical ongoing collaborations with the industrial partners.

ALACRITYALACRITY is a training program, which focuses on training graduates. The program is devoted to expanding the education of business management studies and entrepreneurship practices. The program facilitates an intensive training setting with mentors and industry collaborators to prepare graduates for entrepreneurship in the sector of technology. Also, the program is designed to educate promising young business and engineering graduates on how to create successful technology companies. This program is usually experience based, where graduates get assigned to projects, which form the basis of a factual technology product opportunity. ALACRITY facilitates industrial sponsors that bring identified problems from the market to the project teams, who try to generate products that help in solving the real business issues. If fruitful, the project team will have generated an opportunity for starting a commercial association with the industry sponsor. In collaboration, they will build a new technology company and, in so doing, give graduates a fantastic headstart to an entrepreneurial prospect.

Entrepreneurship ALACRITY focuses on the development and mentorship of the best business and engineering graduates from British Columbia University. The program’s central activities are based on a proven graduate training approach, which is usually developed by the founders. The chief goal of the activities is giving participants the necessary skills to become successful entrepreneurs. The chief core activities of this program is utilizing a world-class principle for commercializing technology; of importance is a world-class principle for creating entrepreneurs. Majority of commercialization projects face failures due to poor managerial skills, insufficient knowledge on the market and lack of capital. Through taking part in the entrepreneurship program, young entrepreneurs are likely to receive the support and guidance, which is critical in overcoming the barriers.

The key partners of ALACRITY include Wesley clover, British Columbia innovation Council, Western Economic Diversification Canada and MITACS. Wesley Clover has an exceptional track in generating new companies and building strategic investments in high expansion industries. BCIC accelerates technology commercialization through supporting developing entrepreneurs and startup companies. BCIC delivers programs, which promote entities growth, create jobs, increase revenue and foster economic development in BC. Western Economic diversification Canada works in improving the long term economic attractiveness of the West and the subsequent life of its citizens through supporting numerous initiatives, which target business development, innovation economic development of community. In conjunction, the three priorities create a basis for building prosperity and attractiveness of the West in the 21st Century. In addition, MITACS connects companies with other organizations through a vast research expertise in Canada’s universities. The research expertise is chiefly in engineering, applied sciences, business and social sciences. MITACS supports Accelerate program, which is run in association with a group of leading research organizations in Canada.

BCIC (British Columbia Innovation Council)The BCIC boosts the development and application of innovative or progressive technologies, which meet the requirements of industry in BC. The BCIC accelerates technology commercialization through supporting startups and expanding entrepreneurs. In addition, the BCIC is a crown agency of the province of BC. Through specific initiatives and programs, which support startups and expand entrepreneurs, BCIC facilitates the creation of job and the generation of highly skilled talent; this makes it easier for startup companies and entrepreneurs succeed in BC. In order to meet the requirements of the progressing technology sector in entire corners of BC, BCIC functions closely with regional partners in delivering programs and resources, which address the requirements of technology entrepreneurs in the local communities.

In UILOS organization, BCIC provides annual funding that supports the operations of University Industry Liaison Offices (UILOs) at BC’s post secondary institutions. Also, the BCIC supports the UILOs in the delivery of strategies, which boost the application and development of progressive or innovative technology in commercialization of technology, entrepreneurial talent enhancement and retention, and facilitation of partnerships between industry and academia to help in solving real world problems by direct and applied research.

Access BCAccess BC plays a significant role. BCIC’s Access BC program helps BC technology entrepreneurs to take part in and visit key programs, events, and conferences, which occurs outside their region. In addition, Access BC plays a crucial role since it provides suitable learning opportunities outside the key regions. In attending local, international and national conferences, events and tradeshows, which directly benefit the company’s growth, BC realizes success in a company.


The Alacrity Foundation. Accessed on 4/12/12. Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “http://alacrityfoundation.com/canada/” h http://alacrityfoundation.com/canada/