Training bibliography on Annotated bibliography

Training bibliography on Annotated bibliography

Kanaga, K. E. (n.d). How to Form a Team: Five Keys to High Performance.

Kim Kanaga is the director of CCL’s Greensboro campus. He is extensively experienced in team building initiatives. He has used his experience in customizing team effectiveness programs for many CCL clients. Kim holds a Ph.D. in communication from Michigan state university. Michael E. Kosseler is manger custom solutions for CCL-Europe and is based in Brussels, Belgium. He is also a manger of CCL’s geographically dispersed teams’ research project.Michael has worked for the last ten years with hundreds of manger and executive level teams. He holds an M.A. in organizational communication from the University of Akron and an M.M. in organization development from the college of Aquinas. In their book “How to form a team: Five keys to high performance”, Kim and Michael provides the keys to building a successful team. They claim that the success of a team does not start with results but with building an effective team than can deliver on its promises. This book defines who a team is and provides five characteristics of a team which include;

Members of a team depend on one another for the completion of a complex task.

Members posses different but complementary skill set

Team mange their own work within boundaries set by the organization

Team have internal processes for managing communication, resolving conflicts, solving problems, making decisions and reaching goals.

Teams are bounded and stable over time.

Further, in this book, the authors have provided that teams are prone to failure or may be beset by problems which arise along the way. But, they provide that, such problems can be avoided if the composition o f the team, its purpose, the resources it will need, and the potential obstacles it will face are considered in advance. By carefully laying groundwork, the likelihood of the launched team delivering its potential is greatly increased. The book goes as far as highlighting five key components that will ensure that a team performs highly. The components include;

setting a clear goal

Building organizational support

Creating a team structure that empowers team members

Identifying key relationships

Monitoring external factors.

This book is very important for managers and leaders who have responsibility for creation and success of teams. This book will provide you with five critical factors to enable you build an effective team and show you how to use the factors to lay down the ground work will ensure successful teams.

2) Kellett, P. M. (2007). Conflict Dialogue: Working With Layers of Meaning for Productive Relationships.

Peter, M. kellet is an associate professor and head of department of communication at the university of north Carolina at Greensboro. He holds a Ph. D. from southern Illinois University. Peter is focused on teaching, researching and serving at narrative analysis and dialogic management of conflict which helps in building healthier people, more productive people, and people of peaceful relationships. The book “Conflict dialogue: Working with layers of meaning for productive relationships”, by peter is a wonderful work, the book provides conflict stories and how dialogue and negotiations help in solving the conflicts. The author has taken an initiative of researching, collecting and analyzing conflict stories so as to help one discover the opportunities to improve skills in engaging in conflicts where necessary and where possible.

The improvement in managing conflict will help people to live more peaceful and productive relationships. Peter argues that the best way to study conflict is to collect conflict stories that are detailed enough to reveal the meaning of conflict of the people involved. These stories will help a communication researcher to figure out why the conflict occurred, why it occurred as it did for the individuals in question in their specific environment and historical moment and what possible alternatives of solving such conflict effectively might be there. The book further provides nine guidelines on meaning for the narrative researcher. These guidelines are very crucial for they provide a real picture of conflict origin, development and what opportunities are there to help solve it.

This is a wonderful work for any body who wants to discover how conflicts arise, indicators of conflict among people, and how to intervene after understanding the conflict to solve it or manage it effectively.

Johnson, C. (n.d). Managing Conflict at Work: Understanding and Resolving

Clive Johnson served for long as a management consultant. Currently he is practicing as a couch, consultant and trainer. He is the co- founder of international conflict management forum ( HYPERLINK “” and the Janus partnership ( HYPERLINK “”, which is a consultancy and training organization exclusively meant for workplace management. Johnson work” managing conflict at work: understanding and resolving conflict for productive working relationships “is one of the best for developing mangers. The book provides the best way mangers can employ communication skills at work to deliver any information in a friendly and polite manner. Some of the ways highlighted in the book that managers may decide to use when communicating to each other include; directive, stating a clear view or instruction; or participative, inviting suggestions and comment from the other person. The book provides that; where managing conflicts is concerned, effective communication is most important. In a nut shell, this work provides that effective communication at work place is key in avoiding conflicts and /or solving conflicts between employees. It is a very good work for managers and anybody who is involved in leading groups, teams or solving conflicts.

Schowalter, J. E. (2008). How to manage conflicts of interest with industry?. International Review Of Psychiatry, 20(2), 127-133. doi:10.1080/09540260801887728

John E. schowalter, M.D., is a lecturer and consultant at Yale university child study centre, new haven,CT, USA.

The work of schowalter “How to mange conflict of interest with industry?’’ is all about pharmaceutical industry, medical practitioners, educators and the associated conflict of interest. The author tackles the issue of conflict of interest in pharmaceutical industry and how medical researchers, educators, and practitioners unethical behaviors promote conflict of interest. Schowalter argues that physicians are lured by gifts from pharmaceutical organizations to prescribe their medications that are more expensive but no more effective than alternatives. This work provides three groups that influence one another in promoting the conflict of interest. They include;

Research and journal editors: The objective of research is essential. Pharmaceutical firms finance much of the data on effectiveness of medication. So during journal publishing journal editors are influenced to deal on the advantages side of given medication than the side effects.

Educators: Pharma educators often provide biased information about given drugs during presentations either in medical colleges or during drugs promotions. Such biases end up raising a conflict of interests. Alongside the biases they give gifts, meals and other favors which helps boost there fame even though their drug is not the best in the market.

Practitioners: Practitioners are also influenced through bribes by pharma to use medications, on-and off- label even without proven effectiveness or when equally good and less costly treatments are available.

Schwalter gives full information on how the conflict f interest is created in pharmaceutical industry and how it can be solved. It is a good book for those who wish to learn how to solve conflicts of interests not only in pharmaceutical industry but in any field.

Lauer, L. (n.d).(1994) How to manage internal conflict. Nonprofit World, 12,6; proquest central pg.46.

Lauer, l. is a pioneer in strategic communication and integrated marketing management. The book by Lauer “How to manage internal conflict” deals with the best communication methods that mangers can use to solve or manage internal conflicts that encompass their organizations. Lauer provides that, re-engineering and total quality management is concerned with the organization focusing their attention to inside processes as a way of improving the outside results. The author provides that internal conflicts arise as a result of internal communication getting out of closet. It provides that the workplace is a mirror and reflects the society as a whole. This work provides very good ideas about internal conflicts and how they may go out of place if they are not properly and quickly managed. The author provides tactics of handling conflicts which include;

Listening actively

Encapsulating the hostility


Creating mechanism to explore the conflict.

The author has further, explained the four main sources of conflicts and provided ways of addressing them in a summary they include; not being heard, honest disagreements, competitive attitude, personality conflict.

Finally, this article is very crucial to organizations since it provides very nice tips of managing internal conflicts as a way of boosting their external communication. When internal communication is good , external communication reflects the same and an organization triumphs.