Aging in Sports & Exercise
Do exercise training improves free testosterone in lifelong sedentary aging men?
As the impact of high intensity interval training on systemic hormones in aging men is unstudied to date, we investigated whether total testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, free testosterone, and cortisol were altered following HIIT in a cohort of 22 lifelong sedentary (62 ± 2 years) older men. Regular exercise helps people age more slowly and live healthier, more vigorous lives. And it also helps people live longer. The importance of exercises for men. There’s good evidence that resistance training can trigger an increase of testosterone production. Exercising has many beneficial effects on the body. Weight loss is a big one, of course, but exercise can also improve bone density and even mood, both of which can be negatively affected by low testosterone. Men who exercise regularly can gain about two hours of life expectancy for each hour of exercise. Over the course of a lifetime, that adds up to about two extra years. Maximum benefit does require regular exercise over the years, but it doesn’t mean a trip to the gym every day. In fact, just 30 minutes of brisk walking every day will go a long way toward enhancing your health. ome of the changes of aging start as early as the third decade of life. After age 25–30, for example, the average man’s maximum attainable heart rate declines by about one beat per minute, per year, and his heart’s peak capacity to pump blood drifts down by 5%–10% per decade. That’s why a healthy 25-year-old heart can pump 2½ quarts of blood a minute, but a 65-year-old heart can’t get above 1½ quarts, and an 80-year-old heart can pump only about a quart, even if it’s disease-free. In everyday terms, this diminished aerobic capacity can produce fatigue and breathlessness with modest daily activities.
Exercise training improves free testosterone in lifelong sedentary aging men in: Endocrine Connections Volume 6 Issue 5 (2017) (