DATE; December 4, 2019
TO; Director of MPA Program
I wish to inform you of the highlighted findings from the survey that was conducted to evaluate the MPA program. The survey conducted intended to asses the students’ effectiveness on various instructional approaches.
From the initial analysis of the student’s effectiveness to various instruction approach, the survey concluded that the data obtained from the student as best as it was tested for validity and reliability. With cleaned data, the students’ scores were consistent where the students recorded that they are a very effective-in-class discussion as followed by case studies. Most of the students provided data that indicated in all the instructional approaches they were generally effective. The data provided and analyses were recorded through percentages representing a portion of the students who provided various responses
Our analysis showed fairly considerable variation in responses with the majority of the students being generally effective in all aspects of instructional general effectiveness, most students were generally effective in regard to lecturer instruction approaches with the least effective approach that students were generally effective being student presentation.
The analysis noticed a big disparity in how the students were very effective. The recorded data after an analysis showed the students to be effective-in-class discussion instruction approached with the crucial instruction approach that is exams being least effective
The study also noticed that the group student project instructional approach of student projects in the MPA program was recorded by respondent students at 20% as highest to be very ineffective with a number of students lacking an opinion on the effectiveness of student presentation
Hence there is needs to re-evaluate and reconsider the use of group student project instructional approach and develop mechanisms to ensure its effectiveness among the students.