This paper must be 6-7 pages and should build on your Feminist Topic Proposal. Students must engage with one popular source and two secondary sources they independently locate and analyze in depth four or more of our course readings. The most successful papers will engage in depth with our course readings throughout the entire paper. The paper must be modeled around a thesis sentence that is introduced in the first few sentences of the paper. Every sentence in the paper should build on that thesis statement, be specific/not vague, and should not be repetitive or tangential. An example thesis sentence can be found in the Feminist Topic Sample Proposal provided by your instructor in Canvas. Next, similar to your proposal do not assume your reader is familiar with any of your sources; students should describe each source to their reader. Students should carefully consider and implement the detailed comments provided by your instructor for your Feminist Topic Proposal when developing this paper. Taking into consideration the comments is highly important to be successful on this assignment.
Paper Grading Rubric
Excellent Good Poor
Topic’s relation to the overall course content
The topic to be added to the syllabus relates very well to our class and will enrich it tremendously
The topic to be added to the syllabus relates somewhat to our class
The topic does not relate well to the class
Student’s description of the topic
The student describes the topic in great depth and offers unique and highly persuasive points about the importance of the topic
The student describes the topic well, but could also expand upon the topic to include more in depth analysis of it
The student does not describe the topic in depth and/or does not use the full required length of the paper to describe the topic
Evidence provided from readings
The student supports their argument with in depth engagement with a variety of readings
The student partially supports their argument with evidence from readings
The student does not use sufficient evidence from readings to support their argument
Knowledge of course content
The student shows exceptional and highly advanced knowledge of class materials, key class terms, and key class concepts
The student shows good knowledge of class materials, key class terms, and key class concepts
The student shows marginal knowledge of class materials, key class terms, and key class concepts
Writing style
The student has eloquently formed sentences, strategic word choice, and grammatical excellence
The student demonstrates good writing approaches with room for improvement
The student’s writing style lacks effective use of language and grammar and needs significant improvement