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Annotated bibliography: Integration of music into virtual world
Digital technology has advanced promptly than any other innovation in this world. Technology has become part of our lives because of its power of globalizing the world. Music concerts have been increasing worldwide. However, there are some people who can’t manage to attend due to some factors such as distance and financial problems. The growing technology has helped artists to produce music through virtual reality and this has enabled them to reach a wider audience. It also led to isolation of audience from reality. This main research question seeks to uncover how music will integrate into the virtual world.
Lim, Taehyeong, Sungwoong Lee, and Fengfeng Ke. “Integrating music into math in a virtual reality game: learning fractions.” Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 2018. 1122-1141.
This article analyzes integration of musical activity into math learning of fraction through virtual reality game. This analysis found that integration of music into mathematics enhanced learners’ motivation. The findings showed how fractions effectively represented via music impacted the virtual reality game (Lim 1132). The study’s purpose was to explore the impact of music integration into math education. This source is trustworthy because it was submitted by professional researchers and the information in it is not out of date. It is helpful to the researcher because its information is supported by evidence. Therefore, this is a valuable perspective for researchers investigating the impact of music into the virtual world.
Loveridge, Ben. “Networked music performance in Virtual Reality: current perspectives.” Journal of Network Music and Arts 2.1 (2020): 2.
In this article Loveridge (2) explains how COVID-19 pandemic impacted face-to-face interaction between musicians and their audiences. Social distancing and travel restrictions forced a lot of activities to be moved online. Virtual reality having emerged as a medium with the capacity to bring many users together in an online platform was significant during this pandemic. This article is trustworthy because it has been reviewed, author makes his intention clear and every information in it is supported by evidence. It will help researchers in exploring virtual reality, networked music performance, and virtual environments.
Berry, Joanna. “Live music and performances in a virtual world.” Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, Second Edition. IGI Global, 2009. 849-853. to Berry, the invention of internet and its rapid growth accompanied by technological advancements resulted to digitalization of virtually music into this world (Berry,849). The traditional way of exploiting its methods by using cd sales became less effective and absolute. At the same time artists started forming strong direct relationships with their audiences. This changed many functions of the music industry. This article is reliable because it was submitted by professional researchers. It will be useful to researchers who intend to know how music integrated virtual world.
Clark, Imogen. “Hope for in-person human connection in a virtual music therapy world.” Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 30.5 (2021): 401-403. indicated by this study, the role of the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy became more crucial during COVID 19 pandemic. The social distancing requirements during the pandemic accelerated how technology was used in music industry to offer professional development, education, practice, and research (Clark 402). This article is trustworthy because it is written by Clark, a professional researcher. He has published many articles in this field. This article will be helpful because it demonstrates how technology of virtual reality in music has been used in education and even professional development.