Annotated bibliography on sex education





Annotated bibliography on sex education

This focus of the paper is to provide fully developed annotations for each of the seven sources that are cited in the research paper .The annotations offer explanations of the sources which are based on sex education in the school curriculum. The sources are essential in that they provide evidence that act as support for the notion that states that “sex education reduce teen pregnancies in the society”. The bibliographies offer a wide range of information concerning the content of the sources displaying their merits and demerits.

Bruess, Clint E, and Jerrold S. Greenberg. Sexuality Education: Theory and Practice. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Print.

Sexual education theory and practice is dedicated to the effectiveness of sex education in the high schools across the country. The writers provide an analysis of the sex education through the provision of theory and practice. The content of the book is ideal in that it provides definitions of different words educating the reader on the common topic. Sex education is a course that is theoretical in that students learn through discussion, illustration and public speech. Sex education tends to reduce the application of the theory in terms of early teen sex. The writers look at the student’s reception of sex education and its effectiveness on their approach on sex. Although the information is extensive, it does not look into other options concerning the reduction of teen pregnancies. Despite this, the book is an easy read thus making readers recognize the effectiveness of opening up in terms of sex talk.

Carroll, Janell L. Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2007. Print.

The book provides a direct approach on sexuality in present society. The writer places emphasis on the significance of intimacy in the society. One of the main themes of the book is intimacy amongst the youth and its repercussions. The introduction of sex education in the schools is a drastic step that intends to reduce the rate of teen pregnancies in different social groups. One of the ways to approach this issue is by acknowledging intimacy amongst the youth. The writer thus explains the effectiveness of sex education amongst the youth and its position in the reduction of sexual related issues in modern society. The book looks at the different communities in the country and their role in sex related issues. Different communities have different takes on sex education in schools. The only way to eradicate early teen pregnancies is to involve the whole community in this issue which as a result creates awareness in the society.

Cheng, Yin C. Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century: Research and Innovation. Dordrecht [u.a.: Kluwer Academic Publ. [u.a., 2002. Print.

The writer focuses on the programs introduced in the educational curriculum over the years. Sex education falls under this category due to its introduction into a majority of the high schools. The content of the book is essential in that it provides a global outlook on the effectiveness of sex education. The rate of teen pregnancy continues to increase in present society. This is a direct result of the lack of communication in both families and the community as a whole. The book therefore offers extensive research that argues for the introduction of sex education in schools and its effectiveness. One of the factors to note is the writer’s use of data to illustrate the reduction of teen pregnancy on the introduction of sex education. The book is therefore a legitimate source of information in regard to sex education and its success in the society.

Cox, Frank D, and Kevin Demmitt. Human Intimacy: Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

The contents of this book are different from the regular books based on sex education. The writers approach the issue on social norms such as marriage, family and the significance of abstinence. Most classes on sex education look into all the options of prevention of early teen pregnancies. The writers in this case declare their stance on the effectiveness of abstinence. The book is an adequate piece of information in that it provides data that argues in favor of sex education and its role in the reduction of teen pregnancy in the community. One of the disadvantages of the book is its lack of recognition of other methods of prevention of teen pregnancies. Despite this, the content of the book is themed around the improvement of reports of teen pregnancies due to the introduction of sex education.

Irvine, Janice M. Talk About Sex: The Battles Over Sex Education in the United States. Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, 2004. Print.

Irvine approaches sex education from a different perspective. She looks into the history of sex in the society and the role of the society. The book thus provides an extensive history of sexual issues in the United States and the role of the family. The writer takes into consideration different social groups in the society and their approach on teen sex and abstinence. Some of the content comprises of the stance of the religious groups, the government and society as a whole. One of the significant aspects of the book is comparing and the contrasting the traditional and the modern approach to sex related issues in society. The book is thus an easy read in that it tackles all the fundamental issues that improve the awareness of sex education in the society.

Kehily, Mary J. Sexuality, Gender and Schooling: Shifting Agendas in Social Learning. London: Routledge, 2002. Print.

Kehily’s book on sexuality, gender and schooling is one of the books that pay tribute to the introduction of sex education in the educational curriculum. The book offers the writers take on the issue at hand portraying the role of the schools in the prevention of early teen pregnancy. The book is themed on the effectiveness of sexual education in the society. This displays the writer’s opinion in that she supports the government’s role in the introduction of this system. Sex education is one of the responses to the increase in teen pregnancies. It has been met with both positive and negative feedback from the society. The book brings out both factors mentioning the success and failures of the implementation of sex education in schools. The book proceeds to provide recommendations on the way forward concerning this issue. This makes it the preferred choice of information due to its lack of bias.

Magoon, Kekla. Sex Education in Schools. Edina, Minn: ABDO Pub. Co, 2010. Print.

Keklas book is dedicated to the introduction of sex education in the school curriculum. The content of the book is based on the significance on sex education in the society. The book tackles issues of the repercussions of sex education and the way forward in the society. One of the emphases in the theses is the practice of safe sex which is the main goal of sex education. The book intends to address the reader on the effectiveness of sex education on teenagers. The writer thus provides credible sources to increase the validity of his research. The information in the book is based on research conducted in various schools concerning this matter. The final result of the research shows support for sex education and its role in creating awareness in the country in issues of sex, sexuality and sexual identity.