Annotated Bibliography Why Blacks Feel Entitled





Annotated Bibliography: Why Blacks Feel Entitled

Baldwin, James. “My dungeon shook: Letter to my nephew on the one hundredth anniversary of The Emancipation.” The fire next time 21 (1963).

The book describes what African Americans went through. In this book Baldwin is addressing his nephew in a letter explaining to him his qualities which he shared with his father. He states his nephew is “tough, dark and vulnerable” and he wants to avoid appearing soft. This is what actually most African American felt and still feel now. Most think they need to appear tough as being soft is a form of weakness. Baldwin argues that oppression of African Americans is a result of ignorance of the role the whites play in their history. African Americans need to point out the wrongs that the whites committed and it is by them understanding their mistake that equality can finally be realized.

I believe that the entitlement among most African Americans is often depicted when they get to enjoy what they could not enjoy very many years ago. Slavery took so much from African Americans and actually slavery can be seen as the devil where racism arose from. When blacks try to claim certain things in the society in order to attain equality they are likely to face hurdles some even accusing them of entitlement. However, the freedom that most African Americans actually enjoy is what their fore fathers fought for. The fight is far from over and thus need for equality should not be seen as entitlement. I can think of a thousand instances that relates to this letter in the current generation. The one we can all remember is when a black teen applied to twenty schools and got accepted in all 20 schools. However, two fox news anchors called this obnoxious. The new anchors implied that the boy did not have to apply al; those schools and that he was taking a position for another child. However, if it was a white student it is less likely that these news anchors would have ridiculed him for applying and getting into all these schools.

Clair. Matthew, and Jeffrey S. Denis. “. “Sociology of Racism”. The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 19:857-86.” Ed. James D. Wright. 2015.

When talking of black entitlement, racism plays a key issue. For years African Americans did not enjoy what most African Americans enjoy. In this decade that we live in with all the struggle that African Americans went through then entitlement is not bad. Clair and Matthew explain the sociology of racism. They state that socialism of racism refers to the study of the connection between racism, racial inequality and discrimination. Clair and Matthew distinguish the three terms by saying that racial inequality deals with inequitable outcomes of races in sectors such as education, health and income. During the Jim Crow era, African Americans were being treated in hospitals that were in deplorable state. They could not vote and when they were allowed to vote then one needed to know how to read and write. After the struggle African Americans have attained a certain level of equality although so much still needs to be done. The entitlement that most refer to is that when African Americans air their grievances even when it is not about race issue people will find a way to make it about race.

This article is important in linking entitlement with racial discrimination. Racial discrimination exists when some races are seen to be superior to others. On the other hand, racism involves both racial inequality and racial discrimination. The entitlement may arise because African Americans may feel that they can now get to enjoy things that they were not able to enjoy previously. With racial inequality and racial discrimination being key there are very many injustices that African Americans have gone through and are still going through. In the current decade one may still find people of color earning less than whites. Police brutality is also a scenario that paints a picture of racial inequality and racial discrimination.

Ford, Richard Thompson. The race card: How bluffing about bias makes race relations worse. Macmillan, 2008.

When talking about entitlement and black privilege it is important to look at how more often than not how blacks tend to get away with a couple of things in the society by playing the race card. The author points out that using the race card does not in any way help out in attaining equality or fighting discrimination. People have pointed out that certain individuals will tend to use race knowing it is a topic that sparks a lot of emotion in order to gain certain agendas. Some criminal cases are often tried under the eye of “targeting blacks” and such cases often garner a lot of following as most people want to know how the judge will rule. In this book, the author gives the example of O.J. Simpson case. This was a case that was turned around to be a race case with lawyers using statistics of how often black men are likely to be tried and found guilty even when they are not.

The author points out that almost everyone nowadays will play the race card including victims from a storm, millionaire rappers, Ivy League professors waiting for taxi as well as the people living in the ghetto. The author points out that because of this, prejudice no longer has meaning as people seem to be lying. This may be because over the years most African Americans have come to the realization that when the race card is in play things are done a lot much better and they are likely to get results. At times criminals who have actually committed crimes will play the race card and they are likely to be acquitted The fact that there are individuals who are using race an issue that really mattered in the struggle for attainment of equality in order to attain certain agendas brings up the issue of entitlement. These individuals believe that because of their race, there are certain things that they may not have to pass.

Kaczynski, Andrew, et al. “GOP Congressman Said Blacks Have ‘Entitlement Mentality’ and View Themselves as Victims.” CNN, Cable News Network, 21 July 2018,

Racism is often a topic that most white people tend to avoid talking about. IN most cases they are likely to receive the criticism that they may not really understand what the African Americans go through and while this may be true at times white people at times feel as if that black people often have the entitlement. A republican Rep. Jason Lewis who is known for most racist rhetoric statements on African Americans has often pointed out that moat African Americans like making themselves victims. In this article he insinuates that blacks are linked with violence and in most African American gatherings then it is highly likely that violence may actually occurred. However, he points out that when such issues are discussed most of the time African Americans are likely to play a race card and point out that it is unfair when stereotypes are used to judge them.

This article clearly highlights the stereotypes that exist among African Americans and why at times the whites feel as if most blacks are entitled. The article will be a key referencing point in my policy paper in helping point out how some leaders tend to try and twist around issues discussed around racism by viewing them as less significant. Jason Lewis is notorious for also using very misogynistic statements. His belief on entitlement in the black community and violence is a little bit misguided and far from the truth. Lewis in the article also points out that blackest communities are very impoverished even more than the Jim Crow era and that despite all arguments racism is not really the contributor of the deplorable states of most black communities.

Lacy, Karyn R. Blue-chip black: Race, class, and status in the new black middle class. Univ of California Press, 2007.

Most African Americans will often view the system as being oppressive and those who succeed will have a certain feeling of entitlement. Karyn Lacy in her book, the Blue-Chip Black she tries to answer the of how do black middle class Americans try to identify themselves as both middle class and blacks amongst the white populations in the Washington Suburbs. In highlighting the deficits of the previous and recent studies that focus on the black middle class, Lacy sheds light on the complexities of living life in the shoes of the middle class blacks in America. The book may give us an idea on how black entitlement is seen among African Americans leaving in middle class.

Most of Black people that you will often find in the middle class will have a story of the hardship s that they underwent while living in the black community. The levels are termed as being middle class, negotiation of identities within spheres, neighborhood selection, boundary work, strategic assimilation. Also the state of mind of the black people as well as the intergenerational differences that are related to the interactions of the whites with regards to the progress that has been made since the civil rights movement. The text acts as a significant source of understanding of how the middle-class blacks negotiate their status in the metropolitan area of Washington DC. Most of these people may feel entitled because of the hardship that they have gone through.

Martinelli, Dr. Ron. The Truth Behind Black Lives Matter Movement and War on Police. California: Graphic Print Source, Inc, 2016.

When talking about entitlement, looking at the “Black Lives Matter Movement” is important. There have been claims that black lives matter is not a peaceful movement but a group that wants to do away with the police force and also promotes disorder. People have claimed that the protest of this group is often quite violent and they have severally vandalized properties. BLM movement has also been challenged from time to time when their members have attacked police officers on duty and have been condemned for driving a notion that all police officers are bad. Another movement the all lives matter movement was founded, and this was seen as a way of blocking efforts and the objectives of the black lives matter. A former law enforcer, Dr. Martinelli Ron has been one of the biggest critics of the movement. He has even Witten a book The Truth Behind Black Lives Matter Movement and War on Police. In this book, he explains that a civil right movement is a group that has waged war against the police and are individuals who want to do away with the rule of law. Black Lives Matter was created in order to fight the police because of their brutality towards people of color and most have pointed out that the agenda of the group is beyond fighting against police brutality

There have been people who have come out stating that the movement should “All Lives Matter”. Many feel that formation of the movement is a form of entitlement that shows that only black lives matter while the rest do not. However, the founders have come out to rebuke this strongly. They have admitted to several side shows that have occurred but have firmly pointed out violence is not a way to help end the violence against blacks. They actually were recently awarded Sydney peace prize for activism.

McIntosh, Peggy. “White privilege and male privilege.” Race, Ethnicity and Gender: Selected Readings (2007): 377-385

When one has privilege it may be quite invisible and that is why social justice writers are asking people to have a change in perspective. However, when one has privilege it does not mean that they become immune to hardships but rather they have an advantage over the rest in the society. Most people have often been taught of how their privilege puts the others on a disadvantage. McIntosh points out that while the transgender may not be accorded certain privileges, their privilege included binary privilege as they can identify as both. Often, the society does not give lessons on how one can combat themselves in speaking about privileges. Privileges is a subject most people will often avoid talking but we need to start talking about it. This may be contributed by factors including how people with privilege will also often want to be identified for their hardships.

Most of these social justice activist writers have often argued that privilege was not just a matter of race or gender but rather these were interrelated hierarchies as well as power dynamics that tend to have an impact on all aspects of life including education, sexual orientation, gender identity as well as the physical ability. In order for one to understand how privilege works it is important to understand that all the above social groups are interrelated. When someone is privileged in a certain way this does not definitely translate to the fact that they are not underprivileged in certain ways.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Stop and Frisk Abuses & the Continued Figght to End Racial Profilling in Ameerica.” Born Suspect (2014): 19-81. Document.

When people argue about black entitlement, the argument may be a little flawed. Most of the blacks still go through racism and in their quest to attain equality most view their struggle as a form of entitlement which actually is not. An example is the policy discussed in this paper of stop and frisk. The article talks of how African Americans are often treated by police officers. The African Americans may be one group that has been adversely affected by racial inequality and discrimination. The article explains how law enforcers abuse their powers by using their stop and frisk orders to target African American especially the men. The article points out that it is the stereotypes held that African Americans belong to gangs that contribute to this racial profiling. This racial profiling has created a distrust between African Americans and the police.

When African American complain of such policies they are often dismissed that the policy is there to bring law and order. This article points cases that are seen to be forms of entitlement but in real life they are not entitled. Cases of police brutality towards African Americans has been on the rise. During these patrols where law enforcers claim to be maintaining law and order scuffles often ensue and most often people of color get shot. There are often statistics thrown around of how African Americans are likely to be violent and commit crimes and it is these statistics that have contributed to increase in police brutality towards African Americans. With such statistics then I believe that backs do not feel entitled. Accusing blacks of being entitled contributes to police brutality.

Pearce, J. M. S. A Challenge to “Race Realists” – Race Vs Biological Sex. 2019, October 12. Retrieved from

A Challenge to “Race Realists”- Race Vs Biological Sex is an article written by Jonathan Perce. Throughout the article his main argument is the racist comments that are often made by certain commenters who seem too often get a free pass. The main argument presented by the author is that at times the issues that are presented on racial basis such as crime, low IQ levels and gun violence are often biased as other things such as the social economic status or ends are not often taken into account as a conclusion about the African Americans is made. His argument tries to counter Otto’s argument who links lower IQ and crime rates to the African Americans. Otto’s argument make it seem as if the whites are superior more than the African Americans which is racist. His claims including linking violence to genetics were unfounded as even the confounding variables were not clearly accounted for.

The author is able to counter Otto’s argument by trying to prove how he is misguided by his statics. For example, the author argues that while Otto acknowledges that African Americans have a certain percentage of Caucasian genes in them (20%), then how sure is he that it is the Caucasian genes that have an impact on intelligence while the 70% plus African American gene accounts for melanin and violence (Pearce, 2019). The author points out that there is no proof that the genes responsible for melanin is as well responsible for intelligence. There are factors that results in lower IQ among African Americans as compared to Caucasians such as the low socio-economic status that they are subjected to and not the genes as Otto tries to argue. The entitlement by whites has continued to propagate the ropes of racism even millions of years later. The fact that it is perceived that an African American is more likely to commit a crime as compared to a white person is misleading.

Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. “What Divides Black America?”,

Talking of entitlement, often the older generation have often pointed out that the younger generation often tend to have some form of entitlement yet they may not really understand the struggle. This article by Keeanga-Yamahtta points out the argument that exists between the old generation and a wave of the new generation activists. After the election of President Obama, many people thought that the racial injustices would decrease. When Mike Brown was shot, the parents insisted on having an open public funeral that attracted thousands of people. The policy brutality and the death of Mike resulted in a candid discussion about racism. The author points out how people have come out in the open to discuss their experiences on police brutality is still on the rise. However, in spite the fact that there have been discussions on the examination of policing reforms, the issue has also been political and has led to the division of African Americans.

The division being talked about has been classified into two, those of the older generation who seem to be against violence and the younger generation who seem to promote violence. The older generation activists including Rev Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have advocated for the use of non-violent means while younger generation have been gathering at Ferguson has been willing to fight back. This division has led to the shift in attention from police brutality. The author points out that although there are a few similarities between the 1960 civil right movement and Ferguson protest there are also key differences. In the 1960s there were not as many elected leaders as in now. During Obama’s presidency the Attorney General was black and there were also thousands of elected leaders but the problem seems to persist.


Baldwin, James. “My dungeon shook: Letter to my nephew on the one hundredth anniversary of The Emancipation.” The fire next time 21 (1963).

Clair. Matthew, and Jeffrey S. Denis. “. “Sociology of Racism”. The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 19:857-86.” Ed. James D. Wright. 2015.

Ford, Richard Thompson. The race card: How bluffing about bias makes race relations worse. Macmillan, 2008.

Kaczynski, Andrew, et al. “GOP Congressman Said Blacks Have ‘Entitlement Mentality’ and View Themselves as Victims.” CNN, Cable News Network, 21 July 2018,

Lacy, Karyn R. Blue-chip black: Race, class, and status in the new black middle class. Univ of California Press, 2007.

Martinelli, Dr. Ron. The Truth Behind Black Lives Matter Movement and War on Police. California: Graphic Print Source, Inc, 2016.

McIntosh, Peggy. “White privilege and male privilege.” Race, Ethnicity and Gender: Selected Readings (2007): 377-385

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Stop and Frisk Abuses & the Continued Figght to End Racial Profilling in Ameerica.” Born Suspect (2014): 19-81. Document.

Pearce, J. M. S. . A Challenge to “Race Realists” – Race Vs Biological Sex. 2019, October 12. Retrieved from

Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta. “What Divides Black America?”,