Assessment tool

Assessment tool

Lucreshia Jackson

American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences


24th September 2022

Assessment tool

The assessment of our change project will be based on the Telemedicine Services Maturity Model (TMSMM), which has been developed mainly for evaluating telemedicine services. The capability statements of TMSMM are used as the yardstick for assessing the maturity of every telemedicine service element in terms of its three service level groups, macro level, and micro level, and the five domains of telemedicine, man, material, money, machine, and method (Gomes & Romão, 2018).

The assessment includes identifying the telemedicine services at our healthcare clinic. It also includes gathering all the relevant data related to telemedicine service through structured interviews. The third step in this process is transforming the flow of information, which is complex, into data flow diagrams or the DFDs. The fourth step is loading all the data related to telemedicine into data warehouses. The fifth step is analyzing the data using On-Line Analytical Processing or the OLAP, statistical correlations, whisker, and box plots (Miranda et al., 2021). Based on the results from the TMSMM assessment, electronic questionnaires will be developed and administered to the healthcare workers in our clinic. This will help us know if the findings from the TMSMM represent the entire clinic.

The assessment of the services offered by our new method of telemedicine will provide information on those elements that affect the failure or contribute to the success of the entire clinic. This assessment will also provide input for analyzing the opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses of delivering telemedicine services by our clinic.


Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). Information system maturity models in healthcare. Journal of medical systems, 42(12), 1-14.

Miranda, E., Aryuni, M., Richard, R., & Tanara, A. G. (2021, November). Health Care Mobile Application Development for Sub-District Primary Health Care: How and Why. In 2021 Sixth International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.