Assignment 2 Product Commercial & Report (Due Week 10- 11:59pm 19th May & in-class presentations scheduled for weeks 10/11). See marking rubrics for grade allocation.
1500 words (+/- 10% as per department policy)
This does NOT include your storyboard (if included) or reference list. Please place your storyboard in the appendix but make sure to discuss the creative process in text.
Submit to Turnitin through ‘Submit Assessments’ menu item on Blackboard.
This is a pairs assessment. Please submit ONE assignment on behalf of both group members.
Report worth 20% of your final grade.
In your assignment, please do the following:
#1: Describe the product (good or service). Implement feedback received in assignment 1 to update this section.What is it, what problem does it solve, what does it help you do, what needs does it meet?
What are the product features, how does it work?
What is the price you are charging and what pricing strategies are you using?
Discuss your brand (including product name) and desired brand associations.
#2: Describe the target market and positioning of the product and commercial. Implement feedback received in assignment 1 to update this section.
Using segmenting methods, describe the target market for your commercial & discuss whether this is the same as the target market for your product. Be sure to identify:
What segmentation strategies did you use to identify this market (e.g. demographic, geographic, behavioural)?
Describe the characteristics of your target market (Consider factors such as age, viewing habits, buying preferences etc.)
#3: Describe what the advertising objectives are (e.g. persuade, inform, remind) and message strategies (humour, surprise, emotion, information) are and why (hint: link to target market).
Make sure to link to and reference the messaging objectives and appeals discussed in lecture to outline the desired messaging strategy for your commercial.
Discuss why these are appropriate for your product and target market.
#4: Details about how the commercial was created, or how the idea for the commercial developed.
You could include a storyboard as part of this reflection. If included place the storyboard in the appendix and discuss the process briefly in text.
Reflect on your content creation process. What were the steps you followed to create your commercial, what went well, where did you encounter challenges and how did you overcome?
In addition to the written report you will be assigned a presentation slot in the week 10/11 studio to deliver your commercial and in-class presentation. Also submit commercial video file by the deadline to Blackboard.
1 minute recorded commercial
Your commercial should creatively and persuasively launch the new product. It should align with identified advertising objectives and message strategies. Your communication should be clean, clear, intelligible, and attention-grabbing.
2 minute introduction to commercial (in-class presentation)
Your presentation should provide an overview of the commercial to launch the product. You should describe what occurs in the commercial. It should be polished & engaging speaking.
The commercial and in-class presentation is worth 20% of your final grade