
Cyber Security Class Final Paper: The CISO’s Annual Cybersecurity Plan Summary: Please write a paper between 1000-2000 words covering the module topics in this course. Create a fictional company that you are the CISO for. Please craft a paper using the APA format to outline your cybersecurity plan to the CEO and the stakeholder. Allow the assumptions below to frame your cybersecurity plan. Essential Topics: Be sure to put interest on these issues: 1. Please reference your company product(s), primary means of communication, advertising, and sales/distribution. 2. What are your companies vulnerabilities? What are the threats to your company’s people, resources, and business model? 3. Explain your organization’s risks and how you plan to deal with them. Use the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) model. 4. Explain your plan to respond to an incident(s), be resilient throughout the incident, and recover from the incident? 5. Are there any costs that the company will have to pay for? If so, how will it get paid and what is the Return on Investment (ROI)? Requirements: 1. This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition. 2. Make sure to include at least 1 outside sources to support your discussion. Please ensure that you cite your sources in APA7. Using the exact words of the authors in your research will NOT be accepted. Please paraphrase into your own words. 3. This paper must at least touch on every week of the course. 4. If you exceed 2000 words please use Appendices for a topic’s procedure and implementation details

Cyber Security Class Final Paper: Cyber Security Class Final Paper: The CISO’s Annual Cybersecurity Plan   Summary: Please write a paper between 1000-2000 words covering the module topics in this course. Create a fictional company that you are the CISO for. Please craft a paper using the APA format to outline your cybersecurity plan to […]

Importance of ethics in the criminal justice system

Discuss the importance of ethics in the criminal justice system. Explain how laws can conflict with ethical standards. Describe the difference between an ethical dilemma and an ethical issue. Before the twentieth century in this country, police, in general, operated with few legal and ethical controls. Describe the differences in ethical and legal controls that […]

Explain two of the recent advances in the biological theory of crime

Explain two of the recent advances in the biological theory of crime What has been presented by science as the connection between these two hormones and crime: testosterone and cortisol. Research one serial killer. Explain how you think his early years and development influenced him or her. Discuss sociobiology theory and aggression with strangers and […]

Team Building

Discuss how Tuckman’s five stages of team development—forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning—ultimately drive team building and cultivate collaboration among a newly formed team. Share an experience where a team you were on went through the stages. What went well? What did you learn that you could apply to future teams or another team?   […]

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Instructions Develop a 3-4 page preliminary care coordination plan for a selected health care problem. Include physical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations for this health care problem. Identify and list available community resources for a safe and effective continuum of care. Expand All Introduction Preparation Instructions Note: You are required […]

Healthcare Financial Management and Economics

Week 7 Assignment – Sundanese Medical Center Assignment: Developing Financial Statements All organizations, including those in the healthcare industry, need to make money to be profitable and survive. Financial statements, such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements, summarize this profitability and an organization’s overall financial status. For this Assignment, you […]

Application of Ethics

Topic: Application of Ethics Please take time to give an idea of how you will use this class going forward in your professional work. Then share one idea you think you would want to share with a coworker as well. This is open to all ethical applications.   ******CLICK ORDER NOW BELOW TO GET THE […]

Media Smorgasbord

DQ1 Topic: Media Smorgasbord Over the course of one week, please compile 3-4 examples of unethical behavior in the media, including advertisements, magazines, TV, radio, and even feature-length films. In your discussion, complete the following: Identify the source and scene (if applicable). Identify the ethical violation that was committed. Explain modifications to the source or […]

Peak Performance

MA question Q1 locate a peer-reviewed journal article on national security intelligence that has been published within the past three (3) years.  Please note full text access to peer-reviews journals is provided through the Trefry Library. Once you have located an appropriate article of interest to you, develop and initial posting that provides the following […]

Differences between food security and food safety

BA Questions Q1 First describe the main differences between food security and food safety. What should they do if they see an issue pertaining to food security? Do you know what resources to use to report an incident or suspicion? Do some research and find out where and how you should report suspicious activity in […]