Commentary Outline

Commentary Outline:

There are several ways you can organize your Commentary essay. Review Chapter 10 in the text, gather your information, and use a graphic organizer(: to brainstorm and develop your ideas. Below is a basic outline you can use to help organize your essay:

*Review this tutorial of the writing process to help you begin. It will only take a minute! the commentary, you want to choose a trend or event related to ADHD. For example, why is ADHD diagnoses on the rise? Or, ADHD awareness week. You want to research the problem and form and opinion based on the research. You will argue for your opinion of this issue by telling the audience what the issues is, what the causes, consequences are, and who is trying to solve the problem. For an event, you will write about your opinion of the event, the reason and consequences of the event (who benefits or is hurt by it), and who runs it or created it. Do the same for a policy.

An opinion piece, either written, verbal, or visual, that expresses the beliefs of the author. It is standard for commentators to write about current trends.


Grabber-opening statement to lead audience into the essay and grab their attention

Summary-Identify and briefly describe the topic -trend, policy, or event (related to ADHD) . (you will describe more details as you comment on the topic in the body of the essay.)

Last sentence of your introduction:

Thesis: Stance/opinion (avoid statements such as “I am going to …,” “I believe,” “I think,” or “in this essay.”

Commentary thesis: Tell us what you plan to focus on in your essay.

What is your stance on the trend? How is it significant? Who does it effect?

Remember, your thesis should answer this question: What is the trend, policy, or event and your stance on the trend, policy, or event?

Example thesis: The hidden dangers of ADHD medication are made worse by the negligence of doctors and drug companies to the great detriment of those who are coping with ADHD.


ADHD Awareness week was created to share the most current information and has fostered ground breaking work helping millions of people.


The American Disabilities Act was established to prevent discrimination, but it has also improved education for those with disabilities as well as without.


NOTE: There can be more than one paragraph for each topic headings in the outline.


Background/Significance: Why is it important? Explain why the trend is controversial and who is involved-who does it affect/who is to blame/who is trying to solve the problem.

Cause and effects: Explain the causes and potential effects

Praise/blame. Is anyone trying to solve this problem? Is any one group at fault? Explain how we should think differently about the trend. And/or what possible solutions there might be.

Impact on group/society. E.g. children with ADHD. Think about who it helps or hurts. What impact does it have on those affected by the event or the policy? If you are discussing an event or policy, answer A-D as it pertains to the policy or event.

Address and Refute the opposition. Address different points of view: Those against your stance on the issue or who might disagree with a claim you make. You can do this as you state claims or have one paragraph at the end (prior to the conclusion) addressing the opposition.

Make sure the following are addressed in your essay:

Causes and consequences- “What are some of the causes or consequences of the trend you are noticing? Why does it exist, or what effect does it have on people?”

Praise or blame Who is responsible for the trend, policy, or event? Or, who is trying to remedy the issue caused by the trend, policy, or event?

**“In the textbook, there are a variety of activities that can help you with the above questions in more detail. Review Chapter 10.

Be sure to research the topic thoroughly. You need 5 sources for this essay.


Restate your opinion and tie your thoughts together to help the reader understand your opinion (relate your ideas to the reader)

End with a final thought that will make an impression on the reader

Or, you can use this outline:


Describe the controversy about a recent trend related to ADHD. Explain why some aspect of the issue is thought to be good or bad.


Explain why the trend is controversial and who is involved-who does it affect/who is to blame/who is trying to solve the problem.

Explain the causes and potential effects

Compare to similar trends with disorders/diseases and their impact on society

Explain different points of view: Those for or against your stance on the issue and Refute the opposition.

Explain how we should think differently about the trend. And/or what possible solutions there might be.


re-state the thesis, review key points, and tie all ideas neatly together.

Explain the potential advantages of thinking differently about the trend, and how doing so could have beneficial results. Explain also how doing nothing could make the problem worse.