Comparison between Current and Former School Experience
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Comparison between Current and Former School Experience
Education is a necessity in human’s life and is fundamental to enhancing healthy growth and development humanoid behavior. Change is inevitable throughout the growth cycle as well as in the education field. It is evident that as one progress in the learning field there is an advancement and more likely things tend to be a bit complicated, and the number of responsibilities regarding student’s commitment tends to increase. There arises an enormous difference in the experience between the current school which can be regarded a tertiary level and the prior learning institution. It is a significant step that everyone is glad of to move from high school to college. The differences that arise between the two ranges from the tutors, the responsibilities to the number of work requirements among many other things. In this essay, the comparisons and differences between the college and high school life experience are discussed in greater context.
To start with, are the variances between the last and current school experience. The first difference regards the teachers who used to teach the former school and the professors who teach in college. The highs school teacher is not only more concerned about the student where-about but also the class attendance and performance which is contrary opposite with the college tutors. For instance, in the previous school, the teachers had the responsibility to make sure that every student is around the school compound and does not go against the stipulated school rules and regulations. In the present-day school thing are not the same as the professors will at not any time be concerned about the student’s where about and what they are doing is wrong or right (Crisp & Delgado 2014). An excellent example of this case is regarding following school program where in college no tutor will keep on following students to keep in touch to it while in the former school tutors had to make sure that all students are in the right place at the right time.
The other difference concerns the student’s responsibilities of the students. In the current school, the students possess self-control, and no one has to follow what one is doing. For instance, there will be no one to remind the pupils that it is time for attending a class or coming out for a break which was the case with the previous school. In consideration of class attendance and assignment submission, the college case differs from that of the last school. In college, it is upon the student to decide whether to attend the recommended classes or not even though there can be some repercussions of exceeding the maximum absentia and failure if one does not attend the lectures. While in the former school it was mandatory not to attend a single class unless there was a good reason and if one just forsakes appearing during the specific session the teacher has the right to punish that particular individual significantly. Regarding assignment submission, it was not a big issue not to submit an assignment on time at the previous school, while it is compulsory to submit assignment at the stipulated time in college (Thompson, 2015).
Secondly, are the similarities between the two learning institutions which are universal. The first similarity regards the method of testing the students understanding. Both the current and last schools, the student are assessed using assignment and examinations where at the end or during the teaching period. Furthermore, both the institution have rules and regulations which are applied regarding the students and tutors responsibilities and are strictly followed to enhance efficiency (Williams, 2015). Also, in both learning institution students suffer significant repercussions such discontinuation if they do not abide by rules or meet the necessities regarding discipline and pass marks.
From the discussion above, it is evident that there are differences in the way of doing things regarding the level of learning institution. Students have to adhere and comply with the significant changes that one meets in the education path. There are useful and are there to shape individual behavior and ensuring that pupil has equipped the expected skills.
Crisp, G., & Delgado, C. (2014). The impact of developmental education on community college persistence and vertical transfer. Community College Review, 42(2), 99-117.
Thompson, M. D. (2015). Personality, transiency, and school experience between long-term English learners and former English learners (Doctoral dissertation, Trevecca Nazarene University).
Williams, R. M., Puetz, T. W., Giza, C. C., & Broglio, S. P. (2015). Concussion recovery time among high school and collegiate athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 45(6), 893-903.