Comparison Between Scientific Paper and Scientific Writing

Comparison Between Scientific Paper and Scientific Writing

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The ability to communicate a message with the relevant audience is crucial in accomplishing a given task. Authors use various styles to convey their message; these people must consider the level of education, setting, and even the relevance of the message. In the world of science, logically articulating ideas is a critical phase in establishing the growth of knowledge. Writing in the scientific world is far much sophisticated as it relates to what the author is writing. On the other hand, a scientific paper is more of content rather than the style itself. Understanding the style is crucial in providing a well articulate paper that addresses all aspects of science need by the audience.

Turbek et al. (2016), describes scientific writing as an irrevocable approach or process that is inseparable with scientific paper and research papers contents. In science subjects such as biological sciences and chemistry, effective and efficient communication is key to the realization of set objectives and goals. Unlike other forms of writing, scientific writing is a step-by-step process that enables students to articulate science concepts, which further lead to the presentation of digestible information. Coherence and rationality are integral aspects of scientific writing; while writing scientific papers, students must support their idea by citing previous research and novel results.

Scientific writing has a unique format that guides the student to deliver the content logically. These guidelines appear in what that, students provide information from its primary to a complex level. This means that students must have a simple introduction at the same time they continue to dig deeper into providing a better understanding of the concept in question to their audience (instructors, lecturers, and even professors) (Scitable, 2014). Scientific writing is an integral entity in scientific paper writing; the approach is relevant in addressing the various parts of scientific and research paper. Critical sections in scientific writing include an introduction to the questions, proposed hypothesis, techniques to address the question, the results and their analysis, discussion, and finally, the recommendation. Notably, there are not harsh rules when it comes to scientific writing; constant writing is critical to building the relevant experience in handling scientific papers. The guides in scientific writing are fundamental in writing all types of scientific papers (Turbek et al., 2016). Students must have milestones to refer to while compiling content for a scientific paper.

To write scientific papers, an author must blend the question in context with the existing body of knowledge. A student must, therefore, understand how the current information fits into their literature. Understanding this art requires the student to familiarize themself with the previously researched topic before proceeding to the actual writing. Scientific writing and paper are clear, and this means that the ideas of the subject appear in precision—this mainly aims at avoiding bulkiness of information that may not add-up (Scitable, 2014). Besides, the language of scientific writing and scientific paper is simple to enhance understanding among the projected audience. Unlike other forms of writing, scientific writing does not flourish on assumptions; this means that one cannot make a statement without justifying it.

The scientific paper differs from scientific writing in that it has two types of audiences: the projected readers and the referees who gauge if the paper is sufficient for publication. To be accepted, a scientific paper must present their ideas in the chronologic order of the scientific writing guides. Other than presenting ideas, which is the crucial role of scientific writing, a scientific paper must convince the audience of its relevance to the audience and other scientists. A scientific paper is an application of the scientific writing process, with the crucial part being the presentation of the results and justification of their relevance, just like in scientific writing, presenting ideas in chronological order is crucial. The author must be creative to introduce the topic enticingly and also maintain the flow to kill boredom.


Scitable. (2014). Scientific Papers. Retrieved 28 August 2020, from

Turbek, S. P., Chock, T. M., Donahue, K., Havrilla, C. A., Oliverio, A. M., Polutchko, S. K., … & Vimercati, L. (2016). Scientific Writing Made Easy: A Step‐by‐Step Guide to Undergraduate Writing in the Biological Sciences. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 97(4), 417-426.