Confucianism was a theory that was developed by Keung Fu-tzu Latinized





Confucianism was a theory that was developed by Keung Fu-tzu Latinized as Confucius and he was so much enthusiastic about the ability of humans. Confucius believed that each and every single human were intelligent beings that instantiated golly of heavens in the and therefore this was only accomplished by kindness. Confucius, although was not enthusiastic about why a few individuals were wise and compassionate sages, he however suggested that individuals were able to just choose not to be good. Confucius also did attribute the people’s environment as a key reason as to why at times people did turn out how they were. Confucianism was built on the basis of religious foundation in order to establish social values as well as institutions for Chinese, it is seen as a system of ethical and social philosophy that encouraged the principles of harmony, respect of authority and importance of the family unit that helped built dynasties like Han.

Confucius emphasized on the principles of harmony and order. The beliefs wanted to establish institutions where people were able to live in harmony. The theory suggested a structure of both interpersonal relationship as well as proper governance. The government was seen as the noble duty as it’s ethical governance would result in joy among people. Confucianism explains the loyalty that exists among people who are at the same time able to bring joy to the people. Confucianism taught obedience to the authority as well as superiors in a society but these leaders in red to get the respect then they ought to be good to its citizens. If they are evil and unkind then the whole system in the society is destabilized. Confucianism believed on a structure that was built right from the bottom, and that the basic unity of a society was the family. Through the family then one could be able to tell the economic, social as well as political units that were represented in the society. It is from the familial unit that each individual got the moral training and this was also the bridge that existed between a person as an individual and the society at large. Individuals were therefore able to attain their potential within the family unit. These teachings were directed towards the government, where the subjects of a state were one big family with the emperor being their father and mother and thus needed to show respect to them. The emperors in turn were required to grant the subject their wishes. It formed basis for the religion as well as the education system for china. Education was seen as means of attaining worth and leadership in the society. The Chinese system that was adapted Han Emperor Wu Ti was a non-hereditary system where high ranking officials were appointed through an examination system. Confucius believed his philosophy was the route to a civil society and the ideas of harmony, peace and respect would unite people thus creating stability instead of rebellion. Confucianism wanted to embrace individuals into being part of nature and thus able to act according to the rules and laws laid out by nature. Bibliography

Primary Sources

Gardner, Daniel K. “Epilogue: Confucianism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries.” Confucianism: A Very Short Introduction, 2014, 112–20.

Kim, Terri. “Confucianism, modernity and knowledge: China, South Korea and Japan.” In International handbook of comparative education, pp. 857-872. Springer, Dordrecht, 2009.

Secondary Sources

“Confucianism.” Asia Society. Accessed March 19, 2020.

Kim, Sungmoon. “Beyond liberal civil society: Confucian familism and relational strangership.” Philosophy East and West (2010): 476-498.

Tiwald, Justin. “Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism.” Oxford Handbooks Online, June 2017.