COPD Diseases
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COPD Diseases
COPD is a chronic pulmonary disease and it is prevalent in the whole of America with around 30 million patients suffering from it. It is a term that is used to describe or to express the condition of the lungs with chronic conditions and diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Most of the time this disease has symptoms and signs related to breathlessness. Emphysema is a lung disease or condition that most causes shortness of breath. The disease destroys alveoli and therefore a person is unable to fully get adequate oxygen as large air sacs and formed instead of small ones. Reduction of the surface area of the lungs leads to a low intake of oxygen. Chronic bronchitis on the other hand is the condition that leads to the destruction of the bronchial tubes thus making them irritated and swollen.
Left ventricular pressure refers to the pressure that is produced by the heart chambers. This is a very important aspect of COPD. It is due to the condition of COPD whereby the patients become breathless, this condition leads patients to need more oxygen and their heartbeat may be increased at these times. Primary heart failure on the other side is also related in that if a heart fails the patient is even at more risk of death since they need more oxygen which they cannot get. Therefore chronic bronchitis and emphysema are very important diseases in terms of their relation to COPD.
Hillas, G., Perlikos, F., Tsiligianni, I., & Tzanakis, N. (2015). Managing comorbidities in COPD. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 10, 95.