Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis

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Scholarly Article

The article’s main purpose was to paint a picture of the way the African Americans dealt with social justice and the way America’s oppressive prevailing culture denied their freedom. The article also shows the way The United States of America back in the 1960s and 1950s was signified by serious civil resistance operations. These civil resistance operations comprised actions of protest that was nonviolent and civil disobedience that in return resulted in a crisis event and dialogues that were productive amongst the activist and the same government (Tyson, 2020). The article talks about who the Black Power movement was formed through a sub-movement that came out of the civil rights movements. The black person oppression in the article is seen when William recalls as a child the way the African American woman underwent brutality under the white police officer as the black man watched helplessly. 

The key question that the author is asking is why are there the injustices of the African American? and why is there oppression by the white culture? This can be seen through the life of Robert William as he shows the way the civil rights movement and the black power movement been frequently displayed in a different manner, yet they came from the same ground, with similar predicaments and mirrored similar quest for freedom of Africa American. The question that the author asks seeks to show the political action of the black that is independent, the cultural pride of the black, and what the author refers to as “armed self-reliance” functioning in the South with tension and in tandem with lawful efforts and protest that is nonviolent.

The most important information in this article is when Williams said that the issue, that the accomplishment of nonviolence hinged on the adversary; William noted that rattlesnakes were resistant to moral petitions, just like the South white terrorists. He argued that when Hitler’s tyranny put the world under threat, much was not heard concerning how it is immoral to bring violence with violence. He managed to draw huge spectators to pacifists’ argument,” George Weissman handled himself very nicely by writing to Carl Braden inside Louisville. He noted that nonviolence is a more potent armament if the challenger is civilized, but the same nonviolence is not a sadist repellent. This piece of information is the best most important in the article as it advocates against war.

The main conclusion in this article is when Williams and his family escaped to New York City, then went to Canada, thereafter they went to Cuba to all this to run away from the FBI agents’ hordes that invaded the countryside in hunt of them. Although he formed a friendship with Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, Williams then was comfortable grew anxious in Cuba; he desired to come back home. Williams did get attacked on his feet by the Cuban Communists by his criticism concerning Communist Party for blocking Negroes away from leadership and that he could not have the capacity to gain back his feet. William did write to a good friend that he was undergoing continuous attack by the U.S Communist Party; he went on to say that the viral was attempting to cut off his facilities in Cuba. He says that somebody could think he was Wall Street and Hitler combined. Weeks after returning, William did meet his death and was buried in Monroe, North Carolina.

The author’s main assumption is that of Black Power, which refers to a political motto and a label that is offered to numerous associated notions that aim to attain personal determination for individuals of African origin. It is mainly, however, not exclusively utilized by the black American activist only. So, the author of the article assumes that through black power, black people can form their own identities in spite of being exposed to societal factors that are preexisting within them. The author says that they can utilize that as a tool for self-protection against observed racial oppression to put up social institutions such as black-owned stores, farms, and cooperatives, amongst others.  

If we accept the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are that even after or beyond the movement of Black Power decreasing in the 1970s, its effect would go on to be heard for years and years to come. With the black power emphasis being on the identity of the black race, self-determination, and pride, the Black Power shake everything right from the well-known culture to politics to education, whereas the movements would test to structural inequalities it would also inspire other minority groups like the Native Americans, Chicanos, LGBTQ, and Asian Americans persons to follow their objectives of overpowering discrimination to attain equal rights. However, if we reject the author’s line of reasoning, the implications of Black power could be that it would have many adverse effects. This is because the African Americans would still have been facing oppression from some white supremacists. Also, African Americans’ economic empowerment could have been still low, the rate of racial pride would still have been high. Additionally, the people of color would not have been able to create a political and cultural institution. When writing this article, the author’s point of view may have been influenced by the history of slave trades and there struggle towards freedom. 


Tyson, T. B. (2020). Radio free Dixie: Robert f. Williams and the roots of black power. UNC Press Books.