Critical Analysis of Chapter 1, 2 and 3 of Exploring Criminal Justice

Critical Analysis of Chapter 1, 2 and 3 of Exploring Criminal Justice


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There is a strong relationship between the courts, juvenile justice system, policy making, administration, corrections. Law and law enforcement. Since there exists deviance in the society, there is need for correction systems to help rehabilitate criminal offenders. Despite deviance in the society, there is need for a justice system to determine whether the accused is guilty and later on give a correct judgment with a corresponding punishment according to the offence and not harsh punishment for small crime. The paper gives a critical analysis of chapter one to three of the text ‘Exploring criminal justice’ by Robert M. Regoli, John D. Hewitt, and Anna E. Kosloski. The chapters talk about American criminal justice system, measuring crime and crime theory and chapter three is about the foundation of criminal justice that is criminal law (Regoli, Koloski, & Hewitt, 2007).

First, the third edition explores the number of crimes in America and amount of money spent by the United States in trying to deal with criminal justice. The first chapter brings an important point in differentiating between crime and deviance. Deviance is behavior that violates norms and rules of society, and crime is a type of deviant behavior that violates the formal criminal law. Both deviance behavior and crime exist in the society. Further the authors provide information on steps of dealing with crime and uses different real examples on how crime cases were dealt with. This is very important to the reader, the correction system and the law society since the real life examples can act as a reference point and rational decisions can be made on similar cases as ones listed in the book. Further there are reform programs which can help the reader in rehabilitating a criminal and educating masses on matters concerning crime.

The second chapter gives some tips on how crime is to be measured. Indeed, crime is difficult to be measured however, the book does a great job and at least from the uniform crime report one can get crime records and through the information it can be somewhat easier to measure crime or gauge how serious is a crime. UCR provides a list of crimes which and serious and other crimes which is important to the reader since from here one can use it as a reference point when trying to relate crimes. Further just like chapter one, the chapter also incorporates examples of how crimes where dealt with and how they were measured. This is very relevant today since it can be used as a reference point as well as learning that some crimes are serious and one needs to try and stay away from similar crimes.

Lastly, the third chapter about foundation of criminal justice is relevant to law society in the country and everyone interested in understanding how the laws were created and how criminal justice laws are implemented. Many people do not understand the rights of the accused and the due process thus the book does a good job in explaining the matter (Schmalleger, et al., 2014). Also, many often tend to ignore that a crime is serious since what the victims are going through after a crime is not looked into keenly thus after reading the book it can be easier to explain to other community members on the seriousness of a crime.

Conclusively, in this part one of the book, the authors provide detailed information on every topic and real life examples are given which makes it easier to understand and relate. Criminal justice is complicated but the first chapter tries to explain the few details which can be confusing including how to measure the seriousness of a crime. The authors have arranged the key terms and highlighted them thus easy to find. More so, one can understand the chapters by scheming because of the proper arrangement and highlighting the important parts.


Regoli, R. M., Hewitt, J. D., & Kosloski, A. E. (2016). Exploring Criminal Justice. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Schmalleger, F., Donaldson, S., Kashiwahara, K., Koppal, T., Chase, S., Brown, A., … & Marash, D. (2014). Criminal justice today. Prentice Hall.