Critical thinking involves centrality of thinking about an issue or a problem of concern

Critical Thinking


Critical thinking involves centrality of thinking about an issue or a problem of concern. It involves coming up with a workable solution when one is faced with a complex situation. A person applying critical thinking analyzes what action to take in a complex situation. It is worth noting that the greatest tool a person has in possession is his/ her own mind. One can read as many as a thousand books as well as consult a thousand experts but they will ultimately decide for themselves which course of action to take. Critical thinking proceeds on carefully evaluating premises as well as evidence and arriving at conclusions objectively. This is usually through considering all important factors and employment of valid procedures.

Applying Critical Thinking in Work Related Experience

In my work experience as a police officer, critical thinking is essential in arriving at decisions in order to uphold my responsibility as a police officer in maintaining law and order as well as be on the lookout for my life. Such decisions originate from a common consensus of the normal and the most appropriate thing to do in the circumstances. To be able to carry out a task, I ought to use skill and logic in order to arrive at a good conclusion (Robins, 2004).

My career involves sometimes solving and investigating a crime. In the course of my investigations, I usually gather contradictory evidence from the suspects. As a police officer faced with such a situation, I exercise critical thinking in order to decide which evidence to rely on as well as which evidence is truthful in order to solve the crime mystery. I usually analyze and consider circumstances present during the commission of crime. Usually this will call for my critical thinking to be able to determine which evidence to work with.

A certain case can require me to interview people in the scene of the occurrence of a certain wrong. In these types of inquiries, critical thinking is crucial in assisting me to determine how to work with different people with different personalities. As I figure out how well to work with such people, I should assess their responses as well as review their actions and reactions to see if they possess any knowledge about the case. Finally, i filter my interviews and go through the possibilities to enable me identify a suspect or establish lead. Handling a case is a long journey for me. I am expected to examine into all possibilities while making sure the case’s course is maintained. I gather Information from agencies of the government as well as from interviewing complainants. To be able to codify all these stories into one believable story, then it goes without saying that critical thinking is essential.

Another important aspect of my career that calls for critical thinking is as regards the issue of morality as well as ethical pressure that is put on me. I am on a number of times been tempted to take an action for my advantage. I am always tempted to abuse my position as well as authority as a law enforcer. This is especially as pertains to use of the gun. Since I am licensed to carry a fire arm, the temptations to misuse it are high. Many are the times that I get pissed of by thieves’ behaviors that I get tempted to shoot even when the thieves have surrendered. This situation calls for rational thinking because if I allow myself to act irrationally; I could end up being harmful to the people I am supposed to protect as well as the law I am supposed to uphold.

From the experiences outlined herein above it is worth noting that Critical thinking is vital to a police. As a police officer, I am expected to use logic as well as reasoning in order to identify the best solution to the problem at hand. This as has been shown by my experiences I must evaluate and analyze clues so as to make sense out of them. As a police officer, I use more of my brain and also social skills than I use my body in my work.

Importance of critical thinking

Critical thinking is important in all professions as well as academic disciplines. It involves careful acquisition as well as interpretation of information. This therefore ensures that one reaches a conclusion that is well justified. Critical thinking also helps a person in analyzing, evaluation, explanation as well as restructuring their thinking. This decreases the chance of adopting, action or a thought premised on a false belief. Since most of the critical thinking criteria’s are based on tested hypothesis, it is hard that after employing critical thinking, one is likely to arrive at a long conclusion. However, this does not mean that there can never be instances where after employing critical thinking skills a correct decision is inevitable. Since, no one is perfect, there are instances where even after exercise of critical thinking, a wrong outcome results (Elder & Paul, 1997).

Personally, critical thinking has played a great role in helping me arrive at justifiable, reasonable ad sound solutions and actions in the course of my duty. I am able to explain why I took a certain step as well as be able to justify any outcome of my step.


It is evident that in order to avoid making obvious mistakes and arriving at wrong conclusions, it is usually important to avoid acting irrationally. It is prudent to think critically while considering all the aspects of a particular circumstance if one is keen on arriving at the correct conclusion. Though it is not a guarantee that we will arrive at a correct decision, critical thinking will help one to avoid making obvious mistakes.


Elder, L. Paul, R. (1997). Critical Thinking; Tools for taking charge of your learning and your life. Washington D. C. United States. John Wiley and Sons.

Robbins, S. P. (2004). Decide & Conquer; Making winning decision and take control of your life. New York. N. Y. United States. FT Press.