Cultural Diversity as Strength

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Name of Tutor:


Date of Submission:

Cultural Diversity as Strength

A culturally rich admission comes with as many benefits as challenges. Unknown to each other and the potential dangers or benefits that they stand to reap from such a community, the freshmen need to be guided in the right direction.The main advantage that comes the diversity is the development of the mind to fit the international scope. Interaction with people from different backgrounds instills in an individual the capacity to understand and respect mannerisms and morals of different communities. Moreover, good morals can also be borrowed from the diversified cultures to mold a student’s character. The resultant of such an interaction is the ability to work and fit in almost every community.However, the challenges that come with the adoption into such a new environment are quite plaguing. There may be racism and bullying that is a resultant of a feeling of superiority by some students. Complexes may also develop and hinder the full participation of all students in the college activities. Overindulgence in trying to find out more about the exceptional cultures may also act as a distraction to some freshmen blockading them from realizing their full potential.My purpose in such an environment would to point out to the students the advantages and opportunities that they stand to accrue upon exploitation of the new environment in the right way. The other would be to clarify the challenges that may divide the factor, and just how such indulgences can turn around to the advantage of the whole student body.To achieve the above purposes, I would spearhead ideas that cohesively integrate love, unity and cultural differences into academic values and purposes. Using my experience as a member of Rachel’s club, I would start a club that advocates antiracist mannerisms and activities. The club’s main objective would be to tackle student harassment either in the form of racism or bullying. To effectively achieve that, the heard of cases will be reported to the school varsity administration.Having served as a Link Leader in High School, I would approach the CSU administration to implement a similar approach of welcoming freshmen and newcomers just so to get them enlightened. That would include the use of a party in which motivational talks are given to encourage and illuminate the challenges that they face, and the measures that should be taken.Having served at a peer counselor in high school, I would gather my experience to start a Peer Counseling group that would aim at counseling the students who may have personality problems and complexes.Lastly, I would present a proposal to the administration for the creation of a cultural week, in which different cultures would entertain the school with the folk songs and cultural dances. In this event, cultural morals and values would be examined. The event’s major purpose would be to broaden the scope and view of the cultures to the students so they can learn and respect their diversities.Culture is what defines the society everyone aims to go work in after graduation. Such work would prove an uphill task if little were deciphered from the enormous opportunities at the disposal of a culturally diversified student group.