Culture of American Society

Culture of American Society




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Culture of American Society

America is a secular nation, meaning there is a separation between state and religious entities. Society is underpinned by the strong principle of religious freedom that emphasizes people’s liberty to worship any religion and to not favor one religion over another. This is evident in the First Amendment which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. Ultimately, there is a strong pluralist belief that various religious groups should be allowed to maintain and develop their faith and beliefs within the common society. America is religiously diverse the national identity and patriotism are often linked to Christianity. Some examples include the public religious rhetoric of ‘God Bless America’ or the statement ‘In God We Trust’ found on the currency. This blend of religion and patriotism may also be observed during major American holidays, such as the Fourth of July ceremonies or Thanksgiving.

PT-Theoretical DISCUSSION in African-American women’s history begs for a greater voice. I say this as a black woman who is cognizant of the strengths and limitations of current

feminist theory. Feminist scholars have moved rapidly forward in addressing theories of

subjectivity, questions of difference, the construction of social relations as relations of power,

the conceptual implications of binary oppositions such as male versus female or equality

versus difference-all issues defined with relevance to gender. (Higginbotham,1991)

The U.S. is often called a melting pot because its people come from many different backgrounds and cultures, and there are such a wide variety of beliefs, values, and traditions. There is no such thing as the typical American – that’s part of what makes it such an interesting place! Customs vary from region to region and family to family. If you’re invited to a cookout in California, that might mean grilling on the beach; in Texas, it could be a barbecue competition in a park or a block party in the middle of the street in New York City. So get out and experience whatever traditions your host community has to offer.

Verbal communication is perhaps the most obvious and understood mode of communication, and it is certainly a powerful tool in your communication toolbox. It is quite interesting when someone speaks fluently and their words match their gestures. It is powerful in that all the parts of social communication are put in place. In such a world where there are diverse ways of communication than having good communication skills is a breath of fresh air. It was so easy to understand what one is saying because words are put into simple terms more so with match gestures to show emphasis or its ideal meaning.

At the root of all that is good and bad in law enforcement, there is a strong subculture that permeates most agencies. While a common theme in academic discourse is that police culture is negative, entrenched in cynicism, masochism, loyalty above all else, and an “us versus them” mentality, it has positive aspects that are often overlooked. Members of the law enforcement subculture share values that enable officers to survive what at times is a difficult and emotionally taxing job.

The gender roles in American society, are based on how to act, speak, dress, groom and conduct themselves based on sex. With different ethnic groups then the roles vary from group to group. Women in the United States have made significant strides toward closing the gaps that have kept them from achieving equality with men. The national trend toward total integration of gender roles is reflected in women’s education, professional achievement, and family income contributions.


Higginbotham, E. B. (1992). African-American women’s history and the metalanguage of race. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 17(2), 251-274.