Dar Al-Hekma Community Policy Project

Dar Al-Hekma Community Policy Project

Dar Al-Hekma College has the responsibility of increasing creativity, intellect and independence among its students. Graduates from the college will bring positive change for self and to the society. This college has highly qualified professionals from Saudi and expatriate to ensure excellent academics are provided. The college has started a community policy project that will ensure betterment of the society through the skills of its employees. The surrounding community will benefit largely from the skills of qualified professionals of the college. The employee will benefit from serving the community because their skills will be sharpened and improved.

For the Dar Al-Hekma community policy project to become successful, every employee should put in his efforts including all the workers. All members should take their responsibility very seriously without watching how the other people are working. For the Dar Al-Hekma community policy project to succeed it is vital to choose competent employees in community policy work. There ought to be a good management schedule in connection to the community needs. This is because every area will be completed at the right time and no phase will consume the time of the other phases. Proper time management also helps the administrators to plan what is required and there is delivery of materials at the appropriate time. When the management schedule is in connection with the needs of the community, it is difficult to misuse the resources since every resource is delivered at the right time.

Aims and Objectives

The Dar Al-Hekma communityproject has many aims, which will be beneficial to the community and people from the surroundings. The major aim of the community policy project is to increase productivity capacity of the community and to ensure that people from local surroundings have highly been employed (Choudhuri). The Dar Al-Hekma community project also wants to reduce the working hours of the employees to ensure that they have maximum time to rest and that it has employed many employees as possible. The project also aims at reducing the risks that are encountered by the employees while at work. Dar Al-Hekma community project will also reduce the damping of garbage and sewage to the environment, which is causing environmental degradation. These aims have an intention of increasing the living standards of the employees and ensuring that their role is clearly stipulated in the society through social responsibility.

Scope of project

Dar Al-Hekma community project project will cover a variety of items including the beneficiaries of the project. The beneficiaries of the project will be both the employees and the community. The employees will have a chance to improve their skills. This is because the community service policy will ensure improvement of employees’ skills in working relationships and communication. This will ensure that the employees enjoy working with each other and the community. The community will benefit a lot from the project because they will have a chance to enjoy the services that will be offered by the company. Many people from the community will secure jobs from the company because there will be many opportunities when the project will be implemented. People from the community will start their small business to serve people working in the company thus raise their standards of living. The community will benefit from many professional services because many people from the urban centers will relocate their professional assistance near to the firm. The will be enormous development in the community because there will be improvement of infrastructures and social amenities in the community.

Dar Al-Hekma community project project is designed to cover the rural areas to bring development in these areas. This project will ensure that people in rural areas enjoy the same social amenities people in the urban areas are enjoying. This will ensure that there is delocalization of resources and equitable distribution of these resources to the rural areas. Dar Al-Hekma community project will indirectly assist the rural areas because it will assist in decongesting the services in the rural areas. This will also be considered as a way of ensuring that development is realized in both the rural and urban regions.


The project will ensure that both the employees and the community get the required benefits from the community policies. The college will have large returns to their investments and there will be better working conditions for the employees. The community will as well have better living standards when the project is implemented. Once the college has implemented the policies, there will be numerous developments because many other small businesses will be started in the surrounding. This will increase the employment rates and that there will better standards of living in the community.

Many people from the community will secure jobs in the community because there will be many opportunities when the project will be implemented. People from the community will start their small business to serve people working in the college thus raise their standards of living. This project will ensure that people in rural areas enjoy the same social amenities people in the urban areas are enjoying. This will ensure that there is delocalization of resources and equitable distribution of these resources to the rural areas. The project will indirectly assist the rural areas because it will assist in decongesting the services in the rural areas. This will also be considered as a way of ensuring that development is realized in both the rural and urban regions. The community will benefit from many professional services because many people from the urban centers will relocate their professional assistance near to the firm. The will be enormous development in the community because there will be improvement of infrastructures and social amenities in the community.


The administrators have incorporate many ways to ensure that the project is successful they achieve the same results. These methodologies are to ensure that the objectives of the project have been successfully meet. The administrators have borrowed many ideas from other colleges that have used this type of policies in their project. Proper time management also helps the administrators to plan what is required and there is delivery of services at the appropriate time. Many of these experts have been brought from abroad to supervise and give advice on how the project should be maneuvered so that the desired results are achieved by the projects.

The supervisors of the project have consulted people from the community to understand whether they will benefit from the project. They have also asked the community members if they are interested for this community to be undertaken in their society. The community has been given a chance to contribute and give ideas to the development of the project. This will ensure that the community gets what they want and that the project is relevant to the community.


Dar Al-Hekma community project is managed by the by different people in the college and some people chosen people to represent the community. People in college include the head od department in community work. He is very informed and has good background in community policies because he has a degree in sociology and community work. His major aspect is to give advice on how the different aspects of community policies can be incorporated in the community’s needs to ensure that the project is successful. The community has been given an opportunity to choose two members who will be in the administration committee. One of the members is a prominent businessman in the area who has already retired from the government work. The other person is the chief of that village who will be answering all the necessary questions that will be asked.

Literature and Review

There is a lot of research done about the project and it has proven to be very significant. This is because the college will increase productivity capacity of the community and ensure that people from local surroundings have highly been employed. Dar Al-Hekma community project also wants to reduce the working hours of the employees to ensure that they have maximum time to rest and that it has employed many employees as possible. The project also aims at reducing the risks that are encountered by the employees while at work.


The budget ofDar Al-Hekma community project is very heavy because it requires sophisticated facilities and materials. The facilities required to start this project are ranging to about one thousand five hundred dollars. Some of these facilities have to be imported from abroad because they are not manufactured locally. Because they are heavy, they have to come in through shipment and this adds the budget because of the transport cost. The transport cost is totaling to approximately one thousand dollars.

The labor is also very expensive because it requires both the skilled and non skilled employees. There is money needed in the production of reports by the administrative committee which is totaling to approximately five hundred dollars.

The project mangers will have to borrow funds from the bank because the project is taking longer than it is expected. This is a result of bad weather conditions, which are slowing down the implementation of the project. Professions need to be compensated for their lost time irrespective of the weather conditions. Heavy rains are slowing down the implementation of this project because it is very dangerous to work under such circumstances.


The administrators of the project implementation have seriously considered the organizational out put. The out puts are determined with the mission ofDar Al-Hekma community project. These outcomes have proven to be sufficient to the people of the society because they will benefit very much.The project will ensure that both the employees and community get the required benefits from the community policies. The employees will have large returns to their investments and there will be better living standards for the employees. The community will as well have better living standards when the project is implemented (Westland, 2003). The other step for superior project team performance is the setting of objectives in a smart form, which are derived from the organization outputs. The objectives have specified the number of assessors and have modified the process of accessing.

For a superior project, team performance to be achieved there has to be the identification of the selection means. This will help to indicate the means of achievements as stipulated in the project. For instance, every stakeholder should put in his efforts including all the workers (Petty, 2009). Every person should take their responsibility very seriously without watching how the other people are working. It is very crucial to look for administrators and supervisors who are highly qualified and have experience. This is because qualified people will ensure that the work is done adequately with no mistakes done. There ought to be a good management schedule in connection to the needs of the community. Proper time management also helps the managers to plan what is required and there is delivery of services at the appropriate time. This will ensure that delicate materials will not be wasted. When the management schedule is in connection with the needs of the community, it is difficult to misuse the resources since every resource is delivered at the right time.

Monitoring is the first step and most significant step in Dar Al-Hekma community project. This is because it ensures that the project is moving in the right direction at an acceptable cost and at the right speed. The managers and the committee will have to check whether they are getting the acceptable outputs in order to ensure that they are satisfying the community. The managers are looking at the projects process through observation. They are holding meeting now and then to discuss how the project is moving and what it has achieved so far. The administrating committee is writing reports in which they state the progress of the project and the problems they are encountering. They are following up the budgets and they are also comparing the expenses incurred with terms that are accepted. The plans for the future of the project are discussed in every meeting they hold to ensure that it is moving in the right direction.

The project managers are assessing the project implementation in connection to the agreed schedule, use of inputs and services by project beneficiaries. This has helped the employees and community members with continuous feedback on implementation (Modesto & Tichapondwa). The monitoring of the project has helped in the identification of actual and potential success and problems as early as possible. This will in turn facilitate timely adjustment to project operations. The process of implementation has ensured that correct date is collected on the development and intervention process while they are being undertaken.

Through the help of monitoring the managers have been able to take stock of the planning indicators and means of verification. This has ensured the strategizing and readjustment based on the changing conditions and other situations threatening the meeting of objectives. The managers have to look at the five levels of objectives for measuring performance and predicting success. The objective levels include inputs, which reflect the economy. This will ensure that cost is minimized. The input objectives will also ensure that there are good experts who have developed management skills and competence. The other objective to look at is the activities which reflects the efficiency of Dar Al-Hekma community policy project. This includes the cost per unit of out put in connection to whether they are spent well by doing the write thing. Out put is the other objective that is carefully considered because there will be equity ensuring fair distribution of resources over those targeted. The output will ensure there is excellence thus counter balancing to the economy. This will ensure there efficiency, thus goods and services reach acceptable levels of quality. The outcomes should be of expected standards so that people will like the product.

Evaluation is a systematic assessment of the design implementation and result of the on going Dar Al-Hekma community project. The evaluation of the project will determine relevance and fulfillment of the objectives, efficiency and sustainability. When the administrators evaluate the project they will be able to measure performance against the set objectives, plan of action and the budget. The administrators and evaluators are able to learn a lot from the evaluation process. Through evaluation, the accountability of Dar Al-Hekma community project project is well known. There is documenting of the results achieved and people are held accountable for their actions. Evaluation is a tool for in a quality assurance and it is essential in determining successful or failure of any project or activity. Through evaluation, managers will focus on a particular task or product, thus improving the product. The tools of evaluation that managers should focus on are the objectives especially the expected out put. The action plan will help in the implementation process as the budget will help in logical planning of the money.


The administrators should ensure that the projects aims objectives and outcomes are achieved. They should also ensure that Dar Al-Hekma community project work is performed on schedule and reports are delivered on time. The managers should ensure that the project work is done within the allocated budget. The project partners and members of the project team have well defined roles and responsibilities. The project should have effective methods of learning communicating, decision making and handling the project team together for creation of unity (Landau, 2005).Dar Al-Hekma community project should reflect on its work and takes a positive and flexible approach to updating plans. There should be a systematic conceiving the developmental gap for which an intervention is to be designed. There should be the process of overseeing the planning process by developing objects output, inputs assumptions and carefully designing the activities to be undertaken. There should be the sourcing of inputs, resources, finances, human personnel for actualization of the activities. There should be good organization, directing, coordinating and controlling the implementation of the project. There should be the monitoring and evaluation of the effect of the project and always planning for re adjustment to meet the entire objectives. There should be the process of documenting and accounting to the stakeholders.


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