Criminal Justice

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Decision Making

Decision making is a very important skill in life. It can enable one to manage one’s affairs and excel in any endeavor such as business ad career. The ideas expressed in these video clips and articles are so insightful. They have made me understand much about critical aspects of decision making and what implications it can bring to the decision maker and any other involved stakeholder.

According to Joel Peterson, people should not just make decisions for the sake of it. Everyone should strive to make sound decisions which can help in proving a solution to a problem at hand. However, many people still fail to make rational decisions because they do not have any knowledge about the standard principles of decision making. In this regard, it implies that no one should pretend to be a know-it all (Damasio, A.R., 2001). Instead, they should consult others on exactly what to do in order to make appropriate decision this can help them to make a wise decision which can be relevant to them. Moreover, they can only be able to make perfect decisions if they can be realistic in their decision making. However, they should avoid delaying anything. Time consciousness is a very important aspect of making right decisions (Triantaphyllou, E., 2008).

The other important thing emphasized is morality. As Immanuel Kant suggested, a rational decision should be ethical. This is the only way it can be of benefit to everyone and be realist in solving practical problems in real life situation. There is no need to fall in love with percentages and end up making over or underestimations. God is the sole source of wisdom (Doya, K. & Michael, N.S., 2012). It is said, “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.” These are very important aspects which can enable one to make sound and practical business and corporate decisions.


Damasio, A.R. Descarte’s Error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York:

Picador.2001. Print.

Doya, K. & Michael, N.S. Decision Making. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22 (6): 2012 Pp.


Triantaphyllou, E. Multi-Criteria Decision Making: A Comparative Study. Dordrecht, The

Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2008 Print.