Defining Your Team

Defining Your Team




Many companies have adopted teams as the appropriate way of carrying out various functions. It is always imperative that the individuals in the team have their goals synchronized to allow for the attainment of the company’s goals. To achieve this, it is imperative that the goals of the group be understood clearly by all members. In addition, it is imperative that interactions in the team be managed so as to ensure a strong, cohesive team.

Ensuring that the goals of the team are clearly understood by all members

This comes as crucial as far as having the goals of the group met within the stipulated time and using the least resources. In ensuring that all members clearly understand the goals of the team, the team leader should do the following.

He should ensure that there is clarity as to the responsibilities that have been assigned to certain individuals. This is especially where there is a possibility of competition between two or more of the team members for control in a certain area. In such a case, the area should be divided into unique parts with each member given control in a part in line with his personal inclinations and strengths (William & Jeffrey 2007).

It is imperative that the whole team be involved in making decisions on issues that rely on the team’s commitment and consensus. This would allow each member to feel as if he or she owns the idea, solution or final decision. In this way, team members will be committed to understanding all issues (William & Jeffrey 2007).

Ensuring that all lines of communication are open is imperative. The team members should feel free to clarify with the management as to any issue that they have not clearly understood. In addition, all team goals should be explained in an uncomplicated manner (Mac 2012).

Build a strong, cohesive team.

The main point behind the formation of teams is because teams are deemed to be more effective in attaining goals that trying it individually. However, cohesiveness between team members tends to be an elusive phenomenon. Leaders may ensure cohesiveness between members through a number of ways (Rinus 2001).

Cohesiveness between team members may be enhanced if their roles are interlinked. Rather than assigning complete sections of certain programs to an individual, it would be preferable that they be distributed to allow team members to work together (Mac 2012).

It is also imperative that the leaders come up with clear objectives, project plans and directions that will guide the team. If all individuals understand the group objectives, their purpose will be aligned. It is imperative that they also be given time to ask questions and understand their goals. Once they have understood the crucial nature of collaboration or working together as a group their cohesiveness will be strengthened (Rinus 2001).

Differences between team members will always be a threat to cohesiveness. It is imperative that the leaders ensure that conflicts are resolved quickly. This reduces tension among members and allows all members not to feel misplaced (William & Jeffrey 2007).

It is imperative that the leaders create opportunities for team members to interact. These opportunities may involve workshops where team members brainstorm ideas rather than having all individuals coming up with singular solutions. Events such as team meetings, progress updates and social events would also come in handy (William & Jeffrey 2007).

Manage interactions in the team

Interactions between team members can determine the productivity of the team. In essence, it is imperative that the interactions be managed in such a way that they enhance productivity. This can be done in a number of ways.

It is imperative that leaders encourage communication between team members. In essence, boundaries should be established as to the level of interactions, especially where it concerns the achievement of team goals. An agreement should be arrived at regarding tasks that have to be performed and the team members informed as to the expected behavior within the group (Rinus 2001).

Ongoing assistance should be provided especially where team problems arise. Members will always have differing opinions, therefore, interventions should be effected efficiently so to eliminate these conflicts (William & Jeffrey 2007).


William. G. D & Jeffrey H. D, 2007. Team Building: Proven Strategies for Improving Team Performance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Feb 9, 2007

Mac B, 2012. Teambuilding. New York: Trafalgar Square

Rinus. M, 2001. Team Building: The Road to Success. London: Reedswain Inc