Behavioral scientist – is a person who focuses their time on studying how people’s actions affect their development, their relationship with others as well as their future behaviors.
Rhetorician – refers to a person who is an expert in formal rhetoric.
Objective approach – Refers to the use of valid evidence that include relevant facts, logical implications and perceptions and human purposes in the attempt to explain an issue.
Resonance – Refers to the intensification and the prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, that is produced by sympathetic vibrations.
Birth-death-rebirth cycle – It is a fundamental assumption of most Indian religions that refers to the concept of rebirth and cyclicality to all life, matter and existence.
Humanistic scholarship – Refers to the reading of humanistic perspectives that emphasizes on empathy and stresses the good in human behavior.
Epistemology – Refers to the study of knowledge, justification, and the rationality of belief.
Determinism – Refers to the philosophical belief that all events are determined entirely by previously existing causes.
Empirical evidence – Refers to the information received through such means of senses, especially through observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation.
Stanley Deetz – Is the president of interaction design for innovation and Professor Emeritus and President’s Teaching Scholar at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Emancipation – Refers to the fact or process of being set free from legal, social or political restrictions.
Metatheory – Refers to a theory that is concerned with the investigation, analysis or the description of the theory itself.