Dieting makes people fat

Dieting Makes People Fat

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Dieting Makes People Fat

Dieting refers to the practice of regulating food intake to increase, or maintain body weight. It goes hand in hand with physical exercises aimed at losing weight. Some people normally follow a certain diet plan to gain weight. The Same diet plan can sustain and maintain a stable health if followed properly. Dieting prescriptions such as bland diets, sodium free diets, and soft foodstuff is a prescription designed to achieve a certain medical objective. Other dieting plans increase muscle weight gain or body fat. Majority of the people who start dieting in their lives often continue to do so for the rest of their lives. If a certain diet is forbidden from them, dieters normally feel guilty of themselves, and if they transgress, they feel worse. Dieting in most cases makes people have an idea that food is an enemy, and not a source of sustaining live. Therefore, the act of losing weight, regaining it back, and losing it again is bad for one’s health.

According to Williams (2012), dieting makes one eat the foods they do not like, because a diet plan demands so. In the process, it creates a feeling of resentment and deprivation that later on result in the release of stress hormones that intensify the craving for the same foods. Therefore, one will look forward to eating the same food that might make him or her be at the risk of obesity.

Dieting can be so disastrous with time, if one suddenly reduces the food intake meant to sustain life. Body metabolic rate slows down to reduce the energy used in daily activities, while the rest is stored in the form of fats for sustenance of well-being. Therefore, people dieting often crave for snacks to obtain more energy for the body. During the weight loss process, the body uses unwanted fats stored in certain parts such as the muscles and liver in form of glycogen. In the whole process, the body utilizes less energy and others are stored in form of fats, and one ends up gaining weight (William, 2012).

According to Frank (2008), obesity is an epidemic in most developed nations. This comes about because of the adoption of unhealthy eating habits. Most people pay no attention to the amount of food intake, and they end up taking more food and become more obese. Technology has influenced more on the feeding habitats. Many people watch entertainment at meals time and end up consuming more food. The same developed nations have many industries that cater for the needs of the obese. These industries normally have diet plans to offer their clients, but these plans do not work because a considerable number of people from the same countries are not unhealthy. These industries are in a business plan because the profits gained from the industry are from those who are miserable and unhealthy. Therefore, dieting industries in these nations and their diet plans seem to have an impact on the population since it does not make the population healthier. Instead, they make them prone to obesity in order to gain profits for the industry from the same people.

Another irony that happens in people’s lives is that, most of the people starve for nutrition. Their bodies are deficient of vitamin B, D, and magnesium due to the depletion of these minerals and vitamins by synthetic fertilizers they use. This has made the foods to be nutritionally deficient that people normally eat more, and feel the urge to eat frequently. This is in an attempt to increase energy to sustain a living. Storage of extra energy in forms of fats in the body makes one at risk of becoming fat. This is like the case of the early American colonialists who used corn diets .A large number of them perished due to illness and starvation, and a considerable number became more obese since they consumed more without getting satisfied (Sarah, 2013).

The People that lose weight and remain healthy do dieting in most cases, but most of them use diet products meant to advocate for continual usage of bad diets. These products cause weight loss through a process of chemically induced starvation. Weight gain is inevitable because when real food is introduced once again to the diet, the body will keep it in form of fat, because body starvation triggers a state of an emergency famine. Hence, release of emergency hormones that last longer time in the body. The body will respond to an emergency starvation by storing fats, making one overweight or obese. That is why most people advocate for small meals rather than fewer meals (Cynthia, 2013).

According to Melinda and Maya (2013), dieting and diets are the main causes of obesity. Eating well habitually is enjoyable than having a diet plan .This is because conditioning oneself to a certain programme makes their mind be programmed, and set to attain a certain goal. programmed mind on a certain diet makes many people become obese without their prior knowledge, because they act out of control. This creates a certain behavior of compulsive and impulsive eating habits making them overweight and even obese. Instead of solving the problem, the person becomes an overeater due to programming by dieting.

The on and off dieting process is unsustainable because one can follow a certain diet plan and after getting the results, he or she quits and starts the unhealthy habits. Once person starts the unhealthy eating habits they tend to consume the same food products that make them gain more weight, since they believe once they lose weight the body would remain healthy. This has been a challenge and most of them become victims of obesity without prior knowledge that strict diet plan and maintenance is the solution of obesity (cited by Melinda & Maya, 2013).

Diets and dieting can bring trouble in people’s lives because some diet plans are so strict hence altering the body metabolism. Others result in a body imbalance. An example being use of diets low in fat makes the body remain with carbs that the body cannot manage to burn to produce energy hence socked away from ones fat cells. A diet permitting unlimited eating of allowed foods normally stops one from overeating. This makes one to eat more than the body’s needs excess foods making one more fat due to excess food being broken down and stored in form of fats.

The dieting myths of not taking breakfast so that the body can burn the fat to lose weight leads one to eat more food later in the day. This is because blood sugars drop after some time making one have a compulsive feeling of overeating and less resistant. One is likely to eat more at night since the body is trying to compensate on missed energy, making one have large stores of calories in form of fats.

The myth of weekend blowout, that if one eats healthier foods during the week, then it is good to treat oneself during weekends. But the fact is that even restraining for five days without consuming parricides makes one even gain more weight. Restraining from carbohydrates for five days of the week then consuming it over the weekends makes one gain up to five kilograms. Reason being carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and later on to fats if it is not used as energy by the body. So one needs to do extraneous exercises to use the glucose from carbohydrates failure to which it is stored in form of fats making one gain more weight, which is the case to most people (Melinda & Maya 2013).

Diet drinks make one fatter compared to those who do not consume. Consuming sweet drinks without calories triggers the body’s cravings for sweet diet making one to consume more. Sweet diets have been shown to have an effect on blood glucose,insulin levels and sugars .When blood sugars fluctuates in the body, it drives one to have a craving for sweet diet products when blood sugars drops. The same study showed that taking more diet drinks increases the chances of one getting type 2 diabetes (Melinda & Maya 2013).

According to Mary and Gavin (2013), Eating too much of healthier foods can lead to overeating. Such healthy foodstuff as peanuts has fat contents with high calories. The caloric content in it triggers one to overeat hence consumption should be minimal. Also some food products used for weight loss dieting programme may be high in artificial sweeteners and sugar that makes one have increased appetite leading to more consumption of food leading to one being at a risk of gaining more weight

The idea of dieters avoiding fat diet makes them feel hungrier at all times. The obsession by dieters to consume diet low in fat triggers cravings of fatty foods and most of these people end up consuming all kinds of fats their bodies needs. Diet low in fat content does not help people undergoing weight loss programme because the real fat is removed .And to retain texture and taste flour and sugar that are nutritionally poor, but provide calories is normally added. Eating plenty of omega 3 fatty acids helps the body to burn fat and is good for those undergoing weight loss programme. Low fat diet increases the appetite and a craving for fatty foods that causes one to gain weight (cited by Mary & Gavin, 2013)

In conclusion, dieting and losing weight might be a challenge but to realize the objective of maintaining optimal health, one needs to eat a balanced diet full of nutrients. This helps prevent illnesses,maintain psychological well-being and optimal energy.


William, A. (2012).How dieting makes people obese, Journal of healthy diet.83 (2), 33-37.

Frank, H. (2008).Obesity Epidemiology. New York: Oxford University Press

Sarah. (2013) . Dieting right and why most diets makes people fatter: Health wyze

Report. United States. Oxford UP.

Cynthia, S. (2013). Reasons your diet is making you fat: Health .com. United States. Nerd Press Melinda, S. & Maya, P. (2013). Healthy weight loss and dieting tips, Retrieved on November

2013 from…/ healthy weight loss.

Mary, L. & Gavin, M. (2013).The deal with diets. Journal of teen’s health. 4(6), 10-13.