Discuss the impact of

Discuss the impact of role models as it relates to music (or some other related field) What messages do current mainstream acts promote and detail how this is problematic?

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Discuss the impact of role models as it relates to music (or some other related field) What messages do current mainstream acts promote and detail how this is problematic?

The music industry has grown exponentially since the turn of the 21st century due to the ease in production, distribution, presentation, and exhibition brought about by the change in communication technology (Sen, 2010). The invention of the internet, as well as social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, have made it easy for artists and any other content creator to pass their content to millions of people around the globe. Asa result, music artist comprises some the most prominent names around the globe, effectively earning them the rode model status, owing to the popularity of their music and the connection with millions of fans and viewers worldwide. Role models in music are a major obstacle to the success of society as they propagate vices such as sexual violence, substance abuse, and also mislead their followers, especially young people in society.

Role models in the music industry stem from different areas. Some are recording artists; others are disc jockeys, while others are producers. Some of the most famous music personnel, artists, and role models in the music industry in the 21sts century include Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Eminem, Dr. Dre, and Adele. Although some music artists have experienced cultivated success which has been as a result of continued hard work and consistency over the years, some have sprouted in recent years to reach stardom status. Recent music artist who has made their name in the industry include Bangtan Boys and Ariana Grande. In the music industry, it is difficult to separate the artists from the message that they display through their music videos as well as their lyrics in their music. Therefore, fans around the globe tend to love both the artists and the message passed through their music. One of the most disturbing issues about role models in the music industry is the impact that they have on society today.

Role models in the music industry tend to have a negative impact on the growth of vulnerable members of society, such as children and adolescents. Adolescents and children’s vulnerability stems from the fact that their brains are not mature enough as adults to enable them to internalize situations and make sound decisions. Despite their vulnerabilities, children and adolescents spent the majority of their time on unregulated social platforms such as Instagram and Twitter as well as mass media devices such as television. According to research by Pew Research Center, 45% of teenagers report that they are constantly online (Anderson & Jiang, 2018). A large amount of time that young people spend online is also an indicator that their life is majorly influenced by those that they interact with online. Role models in the music industry are some of the most crucial persons in the lives of young people. They admire and look up to their way of life, how they dress, what they sing, and also follow them through various social media platforms. Unfortunately for the young people, their lives are ruined due to the harmful and unregulated consumption of information. According to Strasburger (2012), 75% of music content around the globe consists of sexually explicit content. Strasburger also adds that half of the music videos show violence against women. Music videos are used as a medium of propagating false stereotypes which are easily picked by children and adolescents. Young children and teenagers who watch music videos of their favorite role models in music grow up picking ideas from their content. The music videos are a source of learning, and it is no surprise that some may experience difficulties in their relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Apart from sexual violence against women, and exposure to explicit sexual content, role models in music also promote content that advocates for drug abuse as well as violence. Lyrics form an essential platform in which role models in the music industry express themselves. However, several role models whom young and old people look at up tend to advocate for substance abuse in their music. Young people easily pick up the lyrics and implement them in their lives. Most of the young people are in vulnerable stages in life development. Thus they often tempted to follow people who they see in music videos and televisions. Research indicates that there is a link between certain genres of music and aggressive behavior and substance abuse behaviors among young people ( Chen et al.,2016). Lyrics that promote aggression and drug abuse can influence young people as well as adults into picking such behaviors. Ransom (2015) adds that the glamorization of aggression and substance abuse in the music industry tends to brainwash young teens into believing that it is a positive thing that should be embraced.

Role models in the music industry have a lot of influence on society today. The emergence of social media allows fans around the globe to follow their everyday lives, including their private lives. Social media has created a platform where their daily lives have become part of their music careers. As a result, controversies in their lives, such as relationships breakups, divorce, police arrest, tend to contribute to their music careers. Controversies in the music industry increase their views in music videos, which ultimately helps to propel them in music charts. The implications of following the lives of role models in the music industry for the fans is that it tends to shape their lives. It is difficult to separate artists labeled as role models by their fans from their public personalities, private lives, and their content. Thus, fans tend to follow what they sing. However, following the lives of role models in the music industry has come at a cost: their content and their lives shape children, adolescents, and young teenagers’ lives. Music videos, lyrics, and private lives showcased through social media platforms have become an aspiration among young people. They are made to believe stereotypes that advocate for the sexual display of their bodies, use of violence against women, aggression ad drug abuse. Young vulnerable people immerse themselves in vices such as drug abuse, engagement in premarital sex, and also have a poor relationship with members of the opposite sex. The result of the actions of their role model is that the society raises men and women who are not morally upright and who are exposed to criminal activities, which could have been avoided had their role models been conscious of those whom they influence.


The music industry is a controversial industry in society due to the roles that role models to various groups in society play. However, there is evidence that role models in the music industry have contributed to the deterioration of the moral values in society. Most of the role models in music promote vices such as drug abuse, violence, objectifying women, and sexual violence. They encourage these vices through their lyrics, music videos as well as their private lives which are ardently followed by their fans. Role models in the music industry are a threat to the progress of society as they negatively affect the upbringing of young and vulnerable members of the society whose brains are not fully developed.


Anderson, M., & Jiang, J. (2018). Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research Center, 31, 2018.

Chen, M. J., Miller, B. A., Grube, J. W., & Waiters, E. D. (2006). Music, Substance Use, and Aggression. Journal of studies on alcohol, 67(3), 373.

Ransom, P. F. (2015). Message in the Music: Do Lyrics Influence Well-Being?.

Sen, A. (2010). Music in the Digital Age: Musicians and Fans Around the World. Global media journal, 9(16).

Strasburger, V. C. (2012). Children, Adolescents, and the Media, An Issue of Pediatric Clinics-E-Book (Vol. 59, No. 3). Elsevier Health Sciences.