Discussion on Herzberg theory

 Discussion on Herzberg theory





Herzberg theory is normally subdivided into two sections with the first section taking about factors that mainly contribute to job satisfaction and motivators that infrequently contribute to job disappointment. The second set of factors concerning hygiene that normally underwrites to instances of job dissatisfaction at the expense of job gratification.

Hygiene factors that normally results to dissatisfaction entail company strategy, work situations, remuneration, association with the boss, supervisors and association with co-workers (Miner, 2007). Factors that result to dissatisfaction are mainly external factors and does not relates to job. Motivating factors that normally result to satisfaction entail accomplishment, responsibility, gratitude, work and development (Schermerhorn, 2011). Moreover, motivating factors emanates from humankind and internal factors.

Herzberg’s two factors theory mainly resemble intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic factors majorly make an individual to be satisfied with their job whilst extrinsic factors make an individual to be satisfied (Miner, 2007). Hygiene factors and corresponding dissatisfaction normally makes worker satisfaction at work. Absence of fundamental point concerning hygiene factor causes displeasure as work places. Unlike hygiene factors that normally occur regardless of the degree of hard of workers work, inspiration factors and gratification are solely attained by the underlying workers (Schermerhorn, 2011). These factors that are responsible for motivation of workers is cumbersome to identify since they possess direct link to the results that particular employee is striving to attain.

Motivational and hygiene factors normally vary within business organization since every organization possess its own organizational culture mainly backed by policies and corresponding practices. Diversity factors that stimulate particular individuals play fundamental in the determination of epitome job. Certain characteristics of a job possess an effect on employee’s motivation solely to the degree that the employee. The fit amidst Herzberg theory and contemporary entail intrinsic motivation and materialism.


Schermerhorn, J. R. (2011). Organizational behavior. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Miner, J. B. (2007). Organizational behavior: 4. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe.