Evaluative Reflection of Literary Analysis Project

Evaluative Reflection of Literary Analysis Project

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Evaluative Reflection of Literary Analysis Project

As a writer, it is crucial to return to work done previously to revise and scrutinize the fundamental mistake to make a consistent improvement on the present project. Reflection and evaluation are two related and essential aspects in enhancing effectiveness during the writing process. In reflection, one has to determine various applicable question regarding the previous project and consider if they were answered well and if not the student is supposed to this in a more proper procedure of evaluation. During the process, students will have the chance not only to carry out self-assessment but can also seek consultation about various contradicting aspects. Evaluative reflection creates an opportunity for better-quality student learning, novelty, and education modification. In this paper, literary analysis project of a narrative is put in consideration, and the Theodore Roethke poetry has to be explored.

Additionally, the difficulty faced in finding the writing the assignment starting from finding the title, writing the paper, coming up with credible research sources, completing the work on time to presenting the ideas in a developed manner are elaborated. The objective of writing the project was to determine the author’s effectiveness in applying literary devices in his work and efficiently illustrate them to the audience as well as reviewing the tale. Theodore’s poetry is educative and acceptable to the society as it reflects the modern society and the things that we face in our daily life. The author has the experience in poetry field and applies exceptional skills in the use of literary devices to come up with the plot of his work making it unique (Brown, 2013). The fact is due to his publicity every person have an interest in learning his poetry hence the urge to put his work in consideration.

During the writing process, some challenges were experienced to getting set on across to the reader. These challenges include difficulties in researching, narrowing the research thesis, meeting the deadline and strive in presenting the point of view. Researching the credible sources was a spiteful process as many secondary sources are restricted, and some do not provide the required material. There are secondary sources that give the information on the narrow basis, hence ending up skipping critical information that was required in writing the analysis. On researching the primary sources, it was engaging to get all the books containing relevant information in the library. Having credible sources is vital as wicked ones can result in penalties such as loss of marks and it was to the extent of spending significant much time in coming up with the secondary sources. The literature of Theodore is extensive thus a good number of sources was a recommendation.

Also, there was a challenge in narrowing all the research thesis of poetry’s work analysis due to its many contents. The thesis was strict to be based on one literary device and how it facilitates the development of the others. Looking at Theodore’s work, there are different approaches to his application of the literary device from one poem to the other. Putting the thesis in a way that it can capture all the essential content throughout the author’s work was a difficulty. There is quite some poetry work written by this particular author and the process of leading all the work and come up with one literary device among the many others to use it as the thesis was insisting (McNiff, 2016).

The issue of presenting the point of view was also a trial that required extra effort to meet. As elaborated above, the author is an active writer who has numerous narrative work regarding different areas of the society. The fact that one has to have a particular perspective to base the approach topic of discussion created an asserting struggle. The issues of meeting the deadline was also a problem that needed a sacrifice to solve. The project was given the short due time of less than a week considering that the author has many poems which also require enough time to understand the content and come up with the fulfilling subject of discussion.

Furthermore, significant methods were used to address the above-discussed problems during the writing process. An improvement on the same during the revision time will enhance a better-quality work and excellent performance. Starting with the challenge involving finding credible primary and secondary sources of the work a sound solution was recognized. On finding the primary sources, the librarian introduced a more natural method of access the library online which is accessible from any place that one might be. It is perfect as one saves the time that would have been used in visiting the library and finding the books manually all through the shelves. With the secondary sources, the scholarly sources are the best solution to find information on the internet. They are credible and precisely provides the full-text information. Proper application of these sources will enhance efficiency and time-saving in writing the next project.

The issues pertaining narrowing the research thesis and difficulty in presenting the point of view are only solved through thorough reading, understanding and proper scrutinizing of the collected works. This enhances the ability of understanding and builds the instinct of the approach to writing good projects which is very significant at any time one will be having a writing project (Mertens, 2014). The other matter was concerning meeting the short deadline given to submit the work. The challenged was cooped up with by sacrificing and finding additional time to read the poems. For instance, with the allocation of few more hours per day over regular studying time. It facilitated persistent and dedication which boosted the morale of giving school work preference and it is a good progress in enhancing success in tackling future writing work.

The writing process is essential in equipping one not only with writing skills but also relevant knowledge in researching and communicating that will be applicable in and out the classes. The techniques will play a vital role in enhancing perfection in the upcoming writing projects and also success in presenting them. It boosts the not only the knowledge but also courage in approaching any writing project as one has the experience and is equipped entirely with the necessary strategies to be applied in researching, writing and presenting the work. Communication skills are whatsoever improved as the writer will learn various literary devices and techniques to facilitate an efficient and fluent language (Rymes, 2015).

From the discussion above, writing practice is vital to every student’s betterment not only in the classes but also in other areas during social interactions. Effective writing can only be achieved through evaluative reflection where the writer will be able to review the previous work so that they can be an improvement on the next work. Through reflection and evaluation, the commonly repeated mistakes that result in reduced performance will be eradicated thus enhancing perfection throughout the writing process.


Brown, J. A. (2013). Television’, Critical Viewing Skills’, Education: Major Media Literacy Projects in the United States and Selected Countries. Routledge.

McNiff, J. (2016). You and your action research project. Routledge.

Mertens, D. M. (2014). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage publications.

Rymes, B. (2015). Classroom discourse analysis: A tool for critical reflection. Routledge.