Article Review
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Factors that Lead to the Migration of the European to the new world
The author’s main focus in the article is the pushing factors that led to the European migration to the new world. The author mainly describes the thesis using the England condition of the seventeenth century and how they got pushed from their motherland to the new world. The author emphasizes factors such as political, economic, and religion based on European migration to the new world (Yusuf, 2017). The primary keywords that the author used in the article were exploration, settlement, and new world, which aided in explaining the migration factors of the European.
The author explains the primary factor for the European exploration of the new world was the pressure of the growing population. The author uses the Daniels article to explain the ever-increasing population factor that led to European migration. The other factor that the author used in describing European exploration is the freedom for religious beliefs. The author expounds the facto by using a primary source from Heidler et al., the source expounds on how the Europeans were evading religious oppressions (Yusuf, 2017). The author also explains in the book “American History and Government for Prospective Citizens,” the significant reasons that the European decided to settle in the new world (Yusuf, 2017). The book, written by Goerke, explains three central causes: religious freedom, political freedom, and economic freedom.
The evidence used by the author strongly supports the thesis of the article. The author expounds on the political factor of European migration using England as an example. The author substantiates the thesis by explaining the scenario of the Magna Carta of England (Yusuf, 2017). The author further supports the thesis by using the source to explain the religious concept that leads to the European migration to the new world. The author uses the case of the United Kingdom to expound on the religious factor. The author uses the sources to explain the scenario and quarrel that occurred between the Puritan and Anglican that led to Europeans seeking religious freedom (Yusuf, 2017). The author further supports the thesis by using the sources to explaining the economic factor of European migration. The author uses the references to explain and relate the scenario of the Europeans migrating to America.
The primary qualification that the author has towards writing the article is the research and analysis skills. The author displays the skill uniquely and professionally by analyzing the pushing factors that led to European migration to the new world (Yusuf, 2017). The author qualifies to write the paper due to the organization technique. It is evident where the author included a map to explain the background of the European migration to the new world, which is relevant (Yusuf, 2017). Also, the flow of the paper suggests that the author qualifies to write on the topic.
The author credibly used sources and expounded on the pushing factors that led to the European migration to the new world. The work of the author is authentic and profession, also straight to the point. The author’s analysis of the factors is convincing, as it is evident in the current world. From my perspective, the author appropriately explained that Europeans migrate to seek religious freedom. It is familiar in the current situation where most Europeans find religious freedom, hence migrating from their motherland.
Yusuf, M. (2017). THE EUROPEAN EXPLORATION TO THE NEW WOLRD (The First Permanent English Settlement as an American Milestone). LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal, 2(1).