Feedback on Communication

Feedback on Communication.

The content and experience with the parents is clearly illustrated and can be easily understood by another party. Also, the way you categorized the parents depending on their thinking and treating them differently is a good step in knowing the right way to communicate to a particular group. However, I think a little introduction to the concept of communication would be essential to inform a reader on what you are writing about. Also, you have used a lot of content to explain the experience you had, but have not demonstrated the reaction of parents. The importance and the impact it had on both the parents and school is also vital. I think it would be better to include these ideas.

Feedback on teamwork

At the beginning of the article, you start by giving the importance of collaboration to an organization. You follow by providing work experience to illustrate the topic. This is a good idea as it engages the reader to know the contents of the article. Also, the flow of information and grammar is clear, making it easier to read, understand, and focus on the work. However, you seem to have concentrated more on the topic of personal relations rather than teamwork. Personal ties tend to be outstanding while the issue should be teamwork; hence appears to be going out of the concept. A little information or modification made will make it more captivating and make teamwork the point of interest.