Grant Writing of Jaysam Insurance Company

Grant Writing of Jaysam Insurance Company






WORKSHEET 9.1A: Organization Background Exercise™

Jaysam Insurance Company Accomplishments Personnel


-USA, Los Angels A large number of individuals have benefited from the firm regardles of their financial status. There is presence of 22 members of directors with a diverse group of individuals who represent clients.

Legal status

-A composite insurer and provider of mortgage finance It has a been legalized with a 1 year operation reserves secured annually Presence of full time professionals who work at the firm.

Date of founding

-February,5, 1997 It has a clean annual audit for the last 5 years in business. Executive director with at least a 7 year experience with the firm


To provide solutions in order to provide protection to its clients This has enabled the firm to secure the lives of its clents prio to its agreement hence It has warn 12 insurance awards at the 2011 insurace awrds. To have over 2000 volunteers who give out over 350 hours of service each month.

Target population

-All individuals of all ages 19-60years and 3 months -18years living both In Los Angels andUnited States as a whole. A strategic plan that was established in 1998-2011) is generating a positive impact. To have a country that has more than 2 million individuals who are aware of their status by enlightening them.


-Employment training and information

-Legal insurance counseling

-Leisure activities

-Provide insurance services

-Provide Jubilee fiancial services

-Offering of investments Government has secured the firms security for all individuals involved. To encourage all citizens of the country enroll in programs made by the firm.


-With various firms and countries that use our equipment This has brought about enough capital hence high revenue inccured by the firm. It has at least 20 partners that can assist the firm to reach their set target in the shortest time possible.

How unique

-It’s the only firm in East Africa that covers for pre-existing conditions

-It offers a flexible hospital network across the state and covers cancer, meternity and HIV/AIDS.

This has enabled the firm to be respected by its clients as it entails to assist them. It has 10 executives in the firm designed for a positive impact.

Special recognication

-7 awards for best insurance medical cover in 2012 This has entailed more participants to join the organization. Just as expected by the insurance firm. Each branch to have 2 individuals to represent the firm in each state.

Summary of need statement

-By a survey conducted by infrotrack of 2012, approximately 70% of individuals in Los Angels area were reaported to using the firm. Thus indicating that it’s a genuine firm assisting its clients. This is possible as the firm has put the lives of the poor to be simple by paying for their medical bills. All individuals work together to create what is best for all individuals.


-There is a steady increase in fundraising the revenue

-Presence of a clean audit for ther last 5years which brought about major benefits Presence of sponsors has assisted the firm to be financially stable and this has resulted to better service by the firm. 2 assistant financial executives to deal with matters related to finance.

Board and staff

-Seasoned executive Director

-Financial executive Director

-Chairman of Jubilee holdings limited They have worked together as a team and their fruits are being seen. Both executive directors and staff work together to create a comfortable environment for all individuals.

WORKSHEET 1.1: Proposal Idea Questionnaire

What new projects is your organization planning for the next two to three years?

Project A: Invest in Technology

Project B: Blood donation drive (get people to donate blood).

Project C: Invest in more countries

Project D: Diversify in different ventures

2.Which of these projects are most compatible with your organization’s current mission and purpose, and in what way?

Project Compatibility A Invest in technology This is the most compatible project as assist the firm to reach its clients more effectively and within the shortest time possible (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This possible as more people are modernized hence opt look for information from the network. B Blood donation This is beneficial as it assists the firm to be able to provide blood to the community patients (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008).This is done by encouraging the community to donate blood in order to save lives of their fellow citizens. C Invest in more countries This entails the firm to be stable as it earns more revenue (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This is done by creating new job opportunities for individuals hence ought to be encouraged. D Diversify in different ventures This enables both the community and the firm to access information through engaging in different auxiliary activities other than insurance such as banking and healthcare (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This is made easier by availing various channels to get the necessary information. 3.What is unique about your organization’s project?

Project Uniqueness

A Blood donation It’s the only firm that encourages the community to donate blood since it aims at saving lives. This is so as it targets to have a safe atmosphere for all its clients.

B Invest in technology This brings about faster modes of accessing information. Furthermore, it indicates that the firm is targeting more individuals both modernized and ancient.

C Invest in more countries This is unique since it gives both the firm and the new countries to assist each other (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This is made possible by earning more revenue and making the life style of both parties more comfortable.

D Diversify in different ventures By partnering with different institutions, the firm is able to assist its clients much faster and conveniently (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). This is made easier by the presence of security covers.

4.Who else is doing this project? Is there duplication of effort? Is there potential for collaboration?

Project Duplicate Project (with whom) Possible Collaboration(with whom)

A Blood donation British American insurance company Heritage insurance firm

B Invest in technology Heritage insurance firm British American insurance company

C Invest in more countries UAP insurance company Co-operative insurance firm

D Diversify in different ventures. Co-operative insurance firm British American insurance Company.



WORKSHEET 1.1: Proposal Idea Questionnaire (Continued)

5.What community need does each of your organization’s projects address?

Project Need Addressed

A Invest in technology To be more litrate in modern technology in order to access information quickly.

B Blood donation The community is encouraged to donate blood as one might never no when they maybe I need of blood(Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). Furthermore, they are shown the benefit of saving life as they are all family.

C Invest in more countries They told that this will ultimately bring about more revenue to their community and also creation of employment. This will definitely rise their way of living.

D Diversify in different ventures They are told that this enables the firm to be secured against any accident (Carlson, O’Neal-McElrath & The Alliance for Nonprofit Management, 2008). In event of this, the firm is able to continue assisting its clients without any problem.

6.What members of your community—including civic leaders, political figures, the media, and your organization’s clients or constituents, and other nonprofits—support each project?

Project Supporters

A Invest in technology Political members and organizational clients

B Blood donation Organization client and other nonprofit firms

C Invest in more countries Political figures and nonprofit firms

D Diversify into different ventures The media and political figures

7.Does your organization currently have the expertise to undertake each project? If new staff is necessary, can the organization manage growth in infrastructure (HR, technology, supervisory oversight, etc.) effectively? (Check each category that applies to each project.)

Project Expertise Human Resources Technology Other (specifify)




8.Is there internal (board and staff) support for the project? External support (community leaders, clients, neighbors, etc.)? (Check the category that applies to each project.)

Project Internal Support (specify) External Support (specify)

A Invest in technology Executive financial director The government

B Blood donation Executive director and board members The government (ministers)

C Invest in more countries Executive director and subordinate staff Other nonprofit firms

D Diversify in different ventures Executive director Community leaders


Carlson, M, O’Neal-McElrath , T &The Alliance for Nonprofit Management (2008) Winning Grants Step by Step, Volume 4, Edition3,Publisher John Wiley & Sons.