Growth of the Online Population in China Has Affected the Potential for Fashion Development

Growth of the Online Population in China Has Affected the Potential for Fashion Development

The fact that the population of internet users within China surpassed the half a billion mark in January 2012, was a major milestone in the media fraternity. This is more so due to the repressive attitude the Chinese government has towards mainstream media ( Kann, 2012. The internet and its increased usage therefore translates to a greater degree of exposure to global trends as well as presents a unique influence on Chinese culture that might otherwise not have existed. Such exposure is not only good for media freedom, but it also results in changes in culture that can definitely be considered objective and constructive. The statistics on internet usage are however much more significant to individuals such as myself due to the undoubted potential online market that lays untapped, more so when it comes to fashion merchandising. This presents unlimited possibilities for the development of fashion in China.

Changes within the media fraternity in China are becoming ever so significant with every passing year. The media industry within China is becoming more and more liberal with each passing moment, as evident with the emergence of the “Gangnam” craze. The song itself actually topped China’s Baidu 500 and actually got labeled as a “ divine” melody by local media, with the craze mainly being fuelled by its online following. The song, released by South Korean musician PSY on 15th July 2012, has had a significant following in Asia, with China falling amongst the group that adores the up and coming musician, as well as the culture that it brings with it; hip hop. The proliferation of the song also shows that indeed changes are being witnessed within the Chinese media fraternity. Due to this increase in media space, China is growing into a more tolerant and liberal society, a factor that opens numerous possibilities for fashion merchandising. It essentially means that the society would be open to new developments, which means numerous opportunities for fashion development. This willingness to depart from traditional beliefs, can be construed to mean a willingness to depart from traditional attire as well as other merchandise. For clothing attire in particular, exposure to the “Gangnam Style” as well as other viral videos over the internet has certainly created a potential market for fashion development. By identifying videos that are popular within China, one would be able to find a template upon which to model any product meant for the Chinese market.



Probable fashion development ideas.

Video link to the video

The opportunities in my opinion are numerous, this significant population that is connected to the internet and actually follow trends over the internet, present an opportunity for online marketing of the fashion products, as well as a ready market for already existing products, through the establishment of an approach that allows for online shopping, I would be able to reach a wider base of customers. Further, the fact that the internet has proven to be based on the success of the “Gangnam” style, to be a major player in trend setting, utilizing such an asset should no doubt be on the mind of every fashion merchandizer. When it comes to fashion, trending is a very important part of marketing fashion products. Clearly based on the following as well as subsequent popularity of the South Korean artist PSY, the internet can be a very powerful marketing tool, more so in China where repressive policies still serve to impede the success of marketing campaigns. The fact that internet users in China crossed the half a billion mark presents a unique market that can be tapped into. The fact that Gangnam style became such a hit in China is also testament to the cultural, religious, as well as social changes taking place within China. The fact that the Chinese are becoming more liberal and open when it comes to dressing as well as other aspects of the culture. The opportunity that arises with the increase in media users is significant, more so for fashion merchandising.

Works Cited

Jian, Chen. “Mao’s China & the Cold War”. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North

Carolina Press, 2001 Print.

Human rights watch, World Report 2012: China. Human rights watch. 2012 PDF file.

Kan, Michael. “China’s Internet Users Cross 500 Million.” 29th November 2012. Web