Hallo everyone. Welcome to my presentation

Hallo everyone. Welcome to my presentation. I am going to be talking about Corporate Social Responsibility in Extraction of Raw Materials and Supply Chain Management.

To stay ahead of the competition, modern businesses must improve all of their core activities and process such as the supply chain management and extraction of raw materials processes. According to Wang, Zhang, & Zhang (2020), one of the best ways of presenting an attractive value proposition in the current customer-focused environment is to package corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an essential part of a business. CSR forms a critical part of any business dealings, especially in the supply chain management and is demanded by external stakeholders such as communities where a business operates, customers who want to see organizations being responsive of changes in the environment, and governments and local authorities in ensuring that the public benefits from the presence of an organization.

The aim of this report is to study how modern supply chain management and CSR can be integrated to provide benefits to an organization. The following questions emerged from a review of literature conducted prior to this paper and will act as research guide:

1. Can innovativeness in CSR’s application create a competitive advantage for a business?

2. Is the implementation of CSR policies likely to reduce the profit margins for companies?

3. What stages require the implementation of CSR in the supply chain and which parts of the chain are more applicable?

The research methodology uses primary approaches to collect data. Additionally, I will use qualitative research interviews to sufficiently capture decision making criteria that managers use in relation to meeting supply chain management demands and the need for their organization to ensure CSR implementation in line with the modern business demands and those placed upon businesses by the consumer. The study targets managers in logistics management, planning, dispatching, strategic procurement, inventory control, supply management, scheduling, and sourcing. Specific companies chosen include Apple, Unilever, McDonald’s, H&M, Nestle, and Tesla. The qualitative approach is the bet for this study because it will enable an understanding of attitudes, generate more relevant content, and provide insights relevant to my study and area of specialization (Archibald, Ambagtsheer, Casey, & Lawless, 2019). The research design will use a descriptive approach. The approach best suits my paper because I do not have a hypothesis but rather intend to develop one after I gather and analyze data.

The time frame I intend to use is 2 months. The project is feasible and realistic because it involves a problem that can be studied and solved using available data. Gathering of information is also relatively easy because of the chosen modes of engaging participants.

In conclusion, this project is relevant because it will cover a gap that exists in current literature regarding CSR application in supply chain management. It is also significant for business owners and managers as it will help them to focus on what adds value and to reduce any inefficiencies emerging from the findings of the study. The project is interesting because it adds to an area of research that keeps changing as the world transforms.

Thank you for participating in my presentation. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you.


Archibald, M. M., Ambagtsheer, R. C., Casey, M. G., & Lawless, M. (2019). Using zoom videoconferencing for qualitative data collection: perceptions and experiences of researchers and participants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1609406919874596.

Wang, C., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, W. (2020). Corporate social responsibility, Green supply chain management and firm performance: The moderating role of big-data analytics capability. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 37, 100557.