Health Aspects of Human Sexuality Paper Rubric – 55 points

Health Aspects of Human Sexuality Paper Rubric – 55 points

Criteria Superior (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D)


(11 points) Writing is complex and sophisticated.

Writing is good, although it may not be as complex or sophisticated as an A paper. Writing is rather simple and at times difficult to understand. Writing is poor and often difficult to understand.


(11 points) Clear thesis statement in introduction. Clear transitions between body paragraphs. Body paragraphs are between 5-8 sentences. Conclusion appropriately closes the paper. Clear thesis statement in introduction. Clear enough transitions though they may be rough or abrupt at times. Body paragraphs may not be between 5-8 sentences. Conclusion is appropriate. Thesis may not be clear. Body paragraphs do not have 5-8 sentences, may be less clear, or have absent transitions. Conclusion is missing or poorly written. Paper is disorganized and unclear. Thesis is absent. Body paragraphs may be absent or seriously disorganized.

Conclusion is missing or poorly written.


(11 points) Grammar and language is superior. Grammar and language is good. Grammar and language is fair to poor. Grammar and language is poor and it is often difficult to determine what the author is trying to communicate.


(15 points) All aspects of the prompt are answered in a cohesive and organized manner. Terms, definitions, and information from the text are abundantly and appropriately used. All aspects of the prompt are answered, though the paper could be organized better. Terms, definitions, and text are abundantly and appropriately used, though perhaps not as well as an A paper. Some parts of the prompt lack responses or have unclear or disorganized responses. Terms, definitions, and text may not be abundantly or appropriately used. A good part of the prompt may remain unanswered.

Terms, definitions, and text are not abundantly or appropriately used.

Paper Length

(8 points) The paper is at least 3 full pages, double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1” margins. The paper is 3 full pages, but incorrect formatting and style bloat the paper length to make it appear longer. The paper is less than 3 pages or has severe formatting issues. The paper is far less than 3 full pages.