Health Club Evaluation Questionnaire


place an X over a “yes” or “no” answer.

Make notes Yes No Notes

1. Were claims for improvement in weight, figure/physique, or fitness realistic? X The club instructor was able to explain into details the benefits of having a manageable weight, the right figure and the physique.

2. Was a long-term contract (1 to 3 years) encouraged? X Long term contract was very much encouraged as keeping fit and healthy is something that should be done regularly. The instructor explained that different people go to the health clubs for different reasons. There are some who go to the clubs to cut down on weight, some go to the club to keep fit. For those people that go the clubs to cut down on weight, once they cut down on weight, should maintain the desired weight by continuing with the fitness programs.

3. Was the sales pitch high-pressure to make an immediate decision? X The instructor was very convincing, as he even demonstrated some of the routines in the fitness programs and it was very impressive.

4. Were you given a copy of the contract to read at home? X The copies given were detailed and contained other aspects that the instructor was not able to explain.

5. Did the fine print include objectionable clauses? 6. Did they ask you about medical readiness? X The instructor asked about the medical history, as it was very important in ascertaining the right routine depending on the health of each and every person.

7. Did they sell diet supplements as a sideline? X It was very impressive enough that the club did not sell diet supplements. The instructor stated that it was not wise to use diet supplements as some may have side effects on the body.

8. Did they have passive equipment? X The club has some passive equipments for various routines

9. Did they have cardiovascular training equipment or facilities (cycles, track, pool, aerobic, dance? X Being a five star facility, the club has the best cardiovascular equipments. The aerobic class is wonderful, the swimming pools are big, and thus there is no congestion in the pool. The cycles are the latest in the market.

10. Did they make unscientific claims for the equipment, exercise, baths, or diet supplement? X The instructors explained how the baths and regular exercise were able to help the body in keeping fit, but the instructors did not give claims that they were not able to prove scientifically.

11. Were the facilities clean? X The facilities were sparkling clean, there were workers stationed at the various areas of the facility to make sure that the tidiness of the facility was kept.

12. Were the facilities crowded? X The facilities were not crowded, and I asked the instructor the reason behind that. The instructor explained that they have timetables in place for different clients that ensured that no overcrowding took place.

13. Were there days and hours when the facilities were open but would not be available to you? X The facilities was open at days and hours that, I may not be available, I raised the issue with the instructor who told me that the y have to be open at all times as different people have their own preferred time of exercising.

14. Were there limits on the number of minutes you could use a piece of equipment? X All the equipments had a specific time that one was able to use it. The instructor explained the reason behind the allocation of the limited times. Different equipments have different use; some equipment are meant for the biceps others for the triceps and thus over using a certain equipment means a certain muscle will be overworked while others will not have received enough exercise.

15. Did the floor personnel closely supervise and assist clients? X Every routine had the floor experts monitoring the activities of the clients, and where necessary assisted the clients in performing the routines in the right manner.

16. Were the floor personnel qualified experts? X The way they were assisting the clients proved that they were experts as they knew the correct way of carrying out a routine without causing injury.

17. Were the managers/ owners qualified experts X The owners were not qualified experts, but they were able to direct the clients to the right instructors who were able to deal with their various needs.

18. Has the club been in business at this location for a year or more? X The club has been in operation for several years