Healthcare organization SWOT Analysis

Healthcare organization SWOT Analysis

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Healthcare organization SWOT Analysis

The primary purpose of a SWOT analysis is to help an individual develop a flexible business policy by making sure that all the business strengths, flaws, opportunities as well as threats that it faces in experiences in the market are considered. Precisely, SWOT analysis is regarded as a foundational valuation model that processes what a specific organization can do or what it cannot do besides its prospective opportunities plus threats (Robson, 2015). Therefore to develop the quality organization and also to recognize the organization needs, it is vital to realize SWOT analysis.

In the healthcare organizations, for example, the medical groups and hospitals, a SWOT analysis are valuable as it helps in focusing the organization’s marketing in the parts that exhibit the most substantial benefits. The following are some basic concepts to maximize the value as well as to generate effective strategies that were experienced while performing a SWOT analysis in a healthcare organization.

Internal: Strengths and Weaknesses

The strengths and weaknesses originate internally within the organization and are controllable. Also, they tend to be helpful while the flaws are harmful (Leung et al, 2013).


Creating a brand name plus loyalty with the customers as a result of their recurrent orders, affordability value, instructions quality, exceptional reputation, having some cost advantages and effective program offerings.


A change in government policies and Medicare is among the significant weaknesses as it alters the healthcare organization revenue. Also, there are low-medium obstacles to entry and process improvement. Moreover, another weakness portrayed is the inefficient distribution of the healthcare workers limited personal time as well as energy with the patients. This is to say that the fewer minutes that the healthcare workers spend with the patients is limited towards meeting all their necessities or completely manage the complexities of care.

External: Threats and Opportunities

These two elements both originate externally, and therefore they are uncontrollable. The opportunities tend to be helpful while threats are harmful.


The opportunities include the following: the availability of new technology, competitor vulnerabilities, the establishment of partnerships and changes in the populace outline or requirements.


The threats in the healthcare organizations comprise of; loss of crucial staff, change of insurance plans, economic shifts, reduction of funding for example by the government and new or amplified competition.

It is thus vital to categorize these concepts as both internally and externally as it will help in establishing and recognizing its strengths and flows of the organization for its effective running.


Ng, K. B., Leung, G. K., Johnston, J. M., & Cowling, B. J. (2013). Factors affecting implementation of accreditation programmes and the impact of the accreditation process on quality improvement in hospitals: a SWOT analysis. Hong Kong Medical Journal.

Robson, W. (2015). Strategic management and information systems. Pearson Higher Ed.