Institutional Affiliation
Healthcare organizations are involved with numerous things that people are willing to ask but fear asking. Some of the questions people would like answer include the value, indigenous, governance and resourcing, population health, health concerns and mental health. These are pertinent issues that even journalists may like to investigate because of the interest public have.
Health organizations are committed to improving population health outcomes, enhancing system efficiency, minimizing costs to assist ageing populace and tackle chronic disease challenges. Hospital and other organizations tend to reduce avoidable hospital admissions by driving and coordinating prevention and health promotion measures. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (2014), there is health literacy programs’ education campaign and supporting of evidence based treatment regimens used in determining the social determinant of health. Moreover, heath care organizations are committed to increasing equity of access to services particularly disadvantaged and marginalized groups through conduction of population health needs assessment.
Health care organizations are always meant to offer primary health care services in response to the people’s needs by addressing service gaps, duplication, and inefficiency (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014). The organizations focus on the comprehensive primary healthcare that involves emphasis on population health. There is always need by many organizations to create effective and sustainable health system. Another question that needs to be asked is the appropriateness of medical charges and what drives the cost higher. Misuse of organizational system tends to increase cost burden (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014). There are questions regarding organization’s primary health care and what contributes to the higher hospital costs. Additionally, there issues of funding the health care organization around the globe. This is because many people believe that the heath care provider should be benefiting from other government funding schemes yet the labor fees are very high.
Individual’s education and qualifications are very important as far as treatments of the patients are concerned. Some believe that medical practitioners who do not have enough experience are not worth handling patients especially patients in critical condition (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2014). People would always want to know the qualifications of people treating them as well as their experience in handling such kind of condition. By responding to these questions, it is worth understanding that whoever offers treatment at the health care organizations must have an identity to indicate the tittle of the person such as using the name “nurse” or “doctor.” People always want to know how health care practitioners perceive their work considering the challenges they face with their patients.
Apparently, every nurse practitioner faces similar challenges and Ontario RPN is not exceptional. While attending to their clients, there are always many lingering questions regarding their abilities, qualifications, and education. However, the challenges do not seem to interfere with the Ontario RPN so much because they are trained on how to handle such cases (Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario, 2013). The Ontario RPN is highly qualified in their field and has adequate experience in their area of practice. The Ontario RPN adequately tackles issues of primary health care and public health as a way of pushing their health care agenda (Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario, 2013). There are other measures such as cost reduction and enhancement quality of services offered that makes them immune to many questions.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2014). Retrieved from
Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario. (2013). Retrieved from